
Which is the Best Round Above-Ground Pool to Get for Your Home

Having an above-ground pool is a cost-effective way of having a refreshing and fun filled time during hot weather conditions. Unlike in-ground pools which are expensive to construct and have high maintenance costs, above-ground pools are easy to install and maintain.

They come in various shapes but the most common are the oval and round types. Although oval is nice and exquisite, it is expensive. This is why the round-shape is more popular today.

Everyone wants the best and when it comes to buying pools, this is no different. If you want value for your money, there are certain factors to keep in mind. Therefore, if you want to get the best round above-ground pool, you need to know the available types and materials used in constructing them. This is because the materials can affect their durability.

Types of Round Above-Ground Pools

There are four major types:

  1. Resin
  2. Aluminum
  3. Steel
  4. Hybrid

1. Resin

They have been increasingly popular since the 80s. They come in two forms: low quality and Synflex resin. For best quality, consider choosing Synflex. It doesn’t break during cold weather conditions and the water in it remains cool even when in contact with scorching sun.

Saltwater rarely affects this type of pool. Therefore, if you want to adopt a saltwater system as your water source, the resin type is the best option for you. Sometimes, the pool is coated with UV-resistant materials which allow it to adapt to varying weather conditions.


However, a downside is in the installation. The resin material is flexible and can bend if not well handled. It is therefore important to hire a professional installer so it can be constructed properly. Resin pools are not cheap, but if you want a long-lasting round above-ground pool, it is a valid option.

2. Aluminum

Aluminum does not rust after a long time of use, but it could oxidize and start to corrode. It is installed like rolled-out sheets. It is the easiest to construct and due to its rust resistance, it is a great option if you have a saltwater system.

3. Steel

Since above-ground pools became popular, steel has been the oldest and most common type. This is because it is sturdy and lasts for long periods. To add safety and improve its appearance, the latest models come with a coating of softer materials such as plastic, poly-enamel, and dura-tex among others.

The essence of the extra coating is to preserve the steel and extend its life span. Steel is the cheapest material to get if you’re on a small budget. It will give value to your money.

4. Hybrid

These are recent and modern pool types. As the name implies, they are a mixture of two materials – steel and resin. They combine the finest qualities of both materials to create something modern, fresh, and long-lasting.

A resin pool is adaptable to different weather conditions and is durable. Steel, on the other hand, is a strong pool material. As a result, the hybrid pool can handle any source of water and will not break under pressure.

Bonus Tip: Reasons to Contact a Pool Deck Resurfacing Contractor

How to Maintain a Round Above Ground Pool

Each pool type may have different maintenance procedures, but they all serve the same purpose – encouraging the longevity of pools. You can do this maintenance daily, weekly, or monthly and it is done with three components in mind:

  • Filtration
  • Circulation
  • Sanitization

Now, let’s see five tested and proven pool maintenance tips.

1. Always Check the pH Value

The pH value for swimming water should be between 7.1 and 7.5. A lower value indicates your pool is disinfected but it is not ideal. A high value is bad for your skin and eyes. Use pH test strips to constantly check it and use pH booster to stabilize the values.

2. Cover it if You Are Not Using It

This is to prevent dust, leaves, and particles from entering the water.


3. Use Chlorine Carefully

Chlorine in high dose can affect one’s health. It smells strong and can irritate the eyes. So when adding it, follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully.

4. Clean the Pool’s Filter

A filter pump has a paper-like filter which should be replaced after 2 weeks. Having a dirty filter can cause pool blockage. So clean the pool regularly.

5. Check for Algae Formation

Algae are so small; they might not enter the filter. They’d rather get stuck at its bottom. Using flocculants can be helpful. It will gather the particles into one large mass, making it easy to get it filtered or removed. You can watch this video to get a visual representation of how to carry out this maintenance.


If you want to get the best round above-ground pool, choose aluminum walls. They are lightweight, durable, and strong. If you’re on a small budget and can’t afford the high maintenance of owning aluminum types, steel pools are a great alternative. They are affordable and durable. Above all, routine maintenance will lengthen your pool’s life span.

Originally posted 2021-04-11 12:02:27.

2 thoughts on “Which is the Best Round Above-Ground Pool to Get for Your Home

  1. Hey Salman! I am totally agreed with your point “in-ground pools which are expensive to construct and have high maintenance costs, above-ground pools are easy to install and maintain.” It is a true fact that each and everything needs maintenance and which is not cost-effective. Thanks for posting such helpful information.

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