
5 Tips To Maintain Your Fire-fighter Equipment

As a fire-fighter, your job is to save the lives and property of people. In this regard, one thing that can help you is staying on top of maintenance.

Practically, a fire-fighter uses the gear more than any other professional in this world. In case, the gear fails or break down, it can cause a great catastrophe. It will cost us more than money. We need to ensure that the gear and all other equipment stay up-to-date.

You don’t have to worry about anything. We have collected incredible tips and tricks to help you in the maintenance of fire-fighter equipment. Read them carefully and don’t forget to apply them practically for maintenance of your fire fighting tools.

1. Start As Early As Possible

Being an apparatus operator, you must know that you should always be ready for the first call of the day. You have to ensure the safety of your crew members and the community. For that, you should inspect your apparatus as early as possible.

The fire equipment repair departments are open during usual business hours. So it is better to inspect everything early and repair it before it gets too late.

2. Communication With Fire Department Personnel

Connect with shift members and the workers of the department that usually operate the apparatus. Take out some time to discuss the equipment, its overall condition and things that need special attention.

Most importantly, talk to the workers to find out which sort of incident they tackled earlier and which equipment or a part of the equipment they used. After that, inspect that part more keenly to see if it got damaged.

3. Own the Apparatus Like Your Personal Vehicle

Most of the fire-fighters treat the fire-fighting equipment like they are a rental vehicle—just drive it for the day and leave the problems for someone else to worry about. This is not the right way.


You should own the apparatus or equipment like you own your vehicle. What we mean by taking the ownership is, that you should work to fix the little errors you find in the equipment like you do when it is your vehicle.

4. Be Careful About Little Details

You need to take good care of little things more than the bigger things even. The little faults when not tackled properly cause great inconvenience. If you keep a strict check on the little details, you will hardly have to deal with bigger problems.

So make sure to inspect the fire fighting equipment carefully, identify if something is missing, broken or out of place and fix it.

5. Be An Expert

We have seen that most of the people just sit in the driver’s seat of the equipment. They don’t put effort to become an expert of the apparatus. When it comes to fire fighting equipment, all of them have some implications regarding their utility and these can either make you or they will break you right at the incident scene. So you need to develop a healthy relationship with your tools and get to know them so avoid any mishap. If you are looking for more tips and equipment repair tools check Trans Tank International!

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