My Date with COP23

nouhad awwad

COP23 was held in Bonn, Germany at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) headquarters. COP23 was my third consecutive conference and I was on a party badge in COP21 and COP22. This time I was an observer and YOUNGO (youth representative) focal point for 2017. Every COP is different, and each has […]

Teens and Drugs: The Dangers of Drug Use Among Adolescents

dangers of drug misuse among adolescents

Every year, a number of adolescents develop a dependency on drugs. Around 23 percent of individuals in the United States ages 12 or older have used an illicit drug in the past month. And much like in the United States, illicit drug use is an ongoing issue in Canada. Nearly seven percent of students from […]