What Are the Differences Among Welding, Soldering and Brazing?

Difference Among Welding, Soldering and Brazing

Welding supplies are used for different purposes than soldering and brazing supplies. Whether you’re soldering your safety gas valve or welding an outdoor fireplace, you should understand the various differences among welding, soldering, and brazing. The main differences between welding, soldering, and brazing are the temperatures and heat source used when carrying them out. Continue […]

Welding as a Career Option: A Beginner’s Guide


Despite being highly marketable, welding is an underappreciated skill in the working industry. With increasing technological advancement, comes the increasing employment rate of all manufacturing industries except welders, solderers, and cutters (read more). Welding and related manufacturing professions are expected to grow by six percent from 2018 to 2028—a significantly low increase compared to other […]

8 Essential Tools for Welding Projects

essential tools for welding

Whether you’re welding for work or as a hobby, it’s essential to begin your welding projects by selecting the right tools for the job. Welding material suppliers can help you find the right equipment you’ll need to finish your project. You’ll find the most convenient and reliable tools online rather than in physical stores, and […]