Waste Management in Britain: Interesting Facts

rubbish clearance uk

On an average, each one of UK’s households produces one tonne of rubbish per year. Nationally, a total of 31 million tonnes of waste is produced annually. Tesco generated 46,684 tons of food waste in 2016-2017. Reliable statistics clearly reveal that Britain’s mountain of waste can fill the nation’s largest lake, Lake Windermere in just eight […]

Global Warming and the Common Man


Everybody is worried about climate change. It’s just that a fair proportion is convinced it is a natural phenomenon, nothing to do with human activities. When a significant number of individuals see global warming this way a lot of energy can go out of the window in arguing over who is right – energy that […]

How UK Hotels Can Save Energy Through Biomass Boilers

biomass hotel

In today’s ever-competitive tourism market, ironing out the bottom line is just as important as attracting new business. Hotels are always under pressure to keep their expenditure down without compromising on quality, and little tweaks here and there can make a big difference overall. But what many clever accommodation managers are realising is that there’s […]

What You Need to Know About Birds and Nests in the UK?


If you own property in Devon, you are going to want to learn about birds and their nests. This is an area of the UK that is home to many bird species and they are starting to move into urban areas. In other words, nesting can be on your property. Let’s learn more about birds […]

5 Tips to Make your Business Ecofriendly


The thick and toxic smog that hangs over highly populated cities has been linked to dementia and causes thousands of premature deaths in the UK every year. It’s clearly a major issue that requires a lot of key players working together for a solution. Not least of these is the big, bad world of business, […]

5 Most Popular Types of Boiler for Your Home


Choosing a new boiler replacement or upgrading an existing model can be confusing. There is such an extensive range of factors to take into consideration depending on the type of home you live in, the space you have available, your daily needs and your utilities. Here is our helpful guide to the most popular types […]

What Student Accommodation Options Are There in the UK For International Students

student accommodation in UK

Going to study abroad can be pretty scary, especially if you’re not all too familiar with the country that you’re going to. That’s why it’s important to make sure you feel as comfortable as you possibly can during your time abroad. The best way to do that is to pick accommodation that fits your needs […]

Smart Cities Have To Be Clean Cities


Our cities are becoming smart cities every day, but unless our cities are clean and litter-free, we are going to face massive problems. Globally there are over 1.5 Billion Unsecured wheelie bins, these bins are massively concentrated in cities. Wheelie bins are a prominent cause behind litter pollution and are responsible for many environmental and […]

The Future of Renewables: An Infographic

Renewable Energy

How much is the UK and the rest of the world really investing in renewable energy? Climate change campaigners, organisations and scientists argue that there is still more work to be done and that the need for coordinated action is greater than ever, as global warming remains on the international agenda. Investment in the renewable […]

Documents Needed to Rent a Flat or House

documents required to rent a home

As one of the most popular cities in the UK, it’s no surprise that London is a great place to live. It’s not just about living in one of the greatest cities on Earth, though – you also need somewhere to live! And if you want to rent a flat or house in the capital, […]

Role of Chemical Pollution in Disease Proliferation


While the effects of chemical pollution on human health are poorly defined, its contribution to the global burden of disease is almost certainly underestimated. Diseases caused by pollution were responsible for an estimated 9 million premature deaths in 2015—16% of all deaths worldwide, which is three times more deaths than from AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria […]

5 Reasons Why You Should Definitely Get a 3D Printer

3D Printer UK

Do you want to buy a 3D Printer? If so, you are not alone: countless people from around the world are choosing to purchase 3D printers in order to create household objects, products for business ventures, and much more. If you aren’t yet sold on the idea of getting a 3D printer for sale, consider […]