Difference in Risk between Equity and Debt Mutual Funds

mutual funds based on risk profile

The reason we turn to investment options is that most of us aren’t satisfied with our existing salaries and hence look for solutions that can improve our financial condition gradually. Risk averse investors generally opt for traditional investment options like bank fixed deposits or public provident funds that offer low but fixed interest rate. However, […]

5 Misconceptions about Hybrid Mutual Funds

hybrid mutual fund

Mutual funds are categorized in accordance with their unique characteristics like investment objective/strategy, fund size, risk profile, asset allocation, etc. These are professionally managed funds that invest in marketable securities across various assets like debt, equity, treasury bills, corporate bonds, etc. A lot of people confuse mutual funds with its subcategory that is equity mutual […]

Best Tips on How to Choose an Investment


How many times have you heard or read about people getting rich just by making the right investment at the right time? How did they know where to invest and that the risk will be worth taking? While choosing where to put your money used to mean facing a lot of uncertainty, the times when […]