7 Ways to Use a Vacation to Increase Your Mental Health

living an awakened life

There’s no denying that vacations are fun! Whether you drive a few hours out of town or you fly halfway around the world, you’re likely to find yourself smiling and laughing more than you do at home. That’s enough reason to take a vacation, but it turns out, there are many other reasons to take […]

How to Cope With the Stress and Anxiety When Buying or Selling a Home?

stress during buying or selling a home

What are the psychological problems faced by buyers after the purchase of real estate and how to overcome them? In this article, you will find the solution on how to deal with emotions before, during, and after the deal. Is a real estate deal actually stressful? Investing years of savings in the purchase of the […]

Why Is Everyone Getting Pregnant But Me?


Sometimes life may seem unfair to others up to the extent that one begins to think otherwise. If you are a woman and have been in this world for the last many years without having a baby of your own making, being at piece can be alien to you. You walk around and see every woman around […]

The Psychological Benefits of Music


We all know the feeling. A favorite oldie comes on the radio and suddenly you’re transported back to one of the happiest times of your life. Or you find yourself feeling crabby after a long hard day when a particularly catchy tune gets you bopping in your living room. Music seems to have a direct […]

Active Ingredient In Ayahuasca Trialled As A Potential Treatment For Depression


Depression is a global problem. Around 264 million people experience depression each year. According to the World Health Organization, these numbers are particularly high in countries such as India, the United States and Brazil. In the US, for example, one in five adults will experience depression at some stage of their life. “People experience depression […]

4 Ways to Overcome Unhealthy Trauma-Coping Habits

head injury treatment

If you have lived through a trauma then that means, by definition, you are a survivor. And being a survivor means, by definition, you are strong enough to have lived through something that could have killed you. But just because the event is over doesn’t mean you’ve moved past it. In fact, as bad as […]

The Benefits of Using a Weighted Blanket

benefits weighted blanket

It seems like a lot of celebrities can’t get enough of their newly discovered and already a favorite blanket. The announcement of the benefits they enjoy by using weighted blankets made the product very popular in the past two years. A weighted blanket, also known as gravity or heavy blanket, is a therapeutic tool used […]

Natural Ways to Boost Your Serotonin Levels

Foods To Boost Serotonin Levels

Many people do not realize the importance of serotonin or know the complications that occur as a result of low levels. Serotonin is a chemical messenger in the body and is essential for the regulation of mood. This chemical is commonly linked to feeling good and having a sense of well-being. When a person’s serotonin […]

4 Tips on How to Overcome Depression and Anxiety


Depression and anxiety are often two sides of the same coin. Depression can make you feel sad and hopeless, which in turn can make you anxious. Anxiety can make you worried or even afraid, both feelings that can cause depression. Depression is a severe mood disorder that affects over 16 million people in the United […]

5 Tips to Overcoming a Serious Personal Injury

trauma coping

Personal injury is emotional, mental or physical pain inflicted on others due to negligence or recklessness. Medical malpractice, slips and falls, dog bites, dooring and car accidents may cause personal injury. There are many other causes of injuries including assault. The degree of injury varies depending on the cause. The injuries may cause trauma to […]

Top 6 Taboos of Mental Health and What You Can Do


Mental health, from upkeeping it to dealing with the effects of poor mental health, has been more popular to discuss and come to terms with, but for many, there is a still a taboo on mental health. Let’s look at a few reasons why that is, and what you can do. Getting help for Your […]

5 Reasons to Make Sure You Get Enough Sleep Every Single Night


You know you need to get plenty of sleep, if for no other reason than to make sure you don’t feel sleepy during the day. Feeling fatigued can really make the day drag! Unfortunately, getting enough sleep isn’t easy. Between work, family, and community obligations, it’s easy to go to bed later than you should, […]

6 Ways Depression May Affect You


There are a variety of ways that depression may affect you and your body. While the symptoms and the severity of them will likely be different for everyone, many of the signs remain the same. Keep reading for 6 ways depression can affect you. 1. Causes You to Feel Down or Sad One of the […]