My Date with COP23

nouhad awwad

COP23 was held in Bonn, Germany at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) headquarters. COP23 was my third consecutive conference and I was on a party badge in COP21 and COP22. This time I was an observer and YOUNGO (youth representative) focal point for 2017. Every COP is different, and each has […]

Global Warming and the Common Man


Everybody is worried about climate change. It’s just that a fair proportion is convinced it is a natural phenomenon, nothing to do with human activities. When a significant number of individuals see global warming this way a lot of energy can go out of the window in arguing over who is right – energy that […]

6 Ways Climate Change is Affecting Outdoor Recreation


When it comes to the importance of climate change, we often give little attention to how it impacts our recreational time. How will the effects of global warming change what we do outdoors.? While the impacts of climate change on outdoor recreation are less pressing than others — such as property damage and food shortages […]

Tips for Going Green in Your Home


Going green in your home is something that you should be doing to help give the environment the best chance possible of fighting global warming and climate change. And going green in your home is something that you do be doing to directly help yourself, too. So, go green by using these useful tips! Get […]

5 Easy Ways To Save the Planet

saving the planet

The fact that climate change is an ever growing, man-made risk is shockingly still a divisive debate among the general public, with most people unable to grasp the severity of the situation and how they’re contributing to it. They don’t realize that 2016 was the hottest year recorded since 1880, that sea levels are rising […]

The Environmental Impacts Of Globalization


Globalization was meant to change the world– and it did. The founding idea of globalization is that no country should be restricted to their own borders; that the world is part of a large community rather than restricted to small countries. Globalization aimed to take borders down, to unite everyone, to make us all citizens […]

How Climate Change is Threatening the Existence of Penguins?


The Antarctic Peninsula is among the region that is warming the fastest and the melting of its glaciers is contributing to global sea level rise. The climate change is threatening the existence of one of the most popular symbols of Antarctica – the penguin. The environmental conservation group WWF has warned that rising temperatures and […]

Making Your Children Environmentally Smart


We all have the capacity to learn new ideas and different ways of thinking but there is little doubt that we are most receptive to change when we are still children. Teaching your children how to be environmentally smart involves an element of education and leading by example, and the end result if we all […]

The Link Between Natural Disasters and Economic Damage


The link between natural disasters and economic damage has always been widely studied, although modern observations have highlighted the changing nature of this relationship. More specifically, recent reports have suggested that the advent of climate change has driven a significant increase in the intensity (and frequency) of natural disasters, while simultaneously causing more pronounced economic […]

Promoting Environmental Awareness through Environmental Media: A Project in Palestine

IMG 1974

Palestine has a full membership in the UNFCCC and has recently signed Paris Agreement on climate change along with many other countries. This requires Palestine and its Environmental Quality Authority (EQA) to implement the agreements and conventions of UNFCCC on climate change and other environmental issues. In the coming few years, Palestine needs support to […]

Climate Change Contrarians – A Compendium

Global Warming

Everyone is concerned about global warming and climate change, one of today’s hottest topics. Just looking up these terms in any search engine will turn millions of results. It is a topic growing in importance and it is the duty of every global citizen to understand this phenomenon. There is a consensus among 97% of […]

Enumerating Benefits of Solar Panels

Solar panels benefits

Solar panels use solar energy; this provides renewable energy produced from the sun. The rays of the sun can be utilised in different ways such as cooking food, production of water, to enhance agricultural areas and can be converted into electricity. The conversion of sunlight to electricity by using photoelectric effects requires a device such […]

Lebanon Climate Act

lebanon climate act

Lebanon Climate Act is being organized in line with its INDC, country’s climate change engagement at COP21. Lebanon’s INDC is the Intended Nationally Determined Contribution where Lebanon has publicly outlined what climate actions it intends to take under a new international agreement by 2030, and has mainly set a target of 15% CO2 emissions reduction […]

Significance of Solid Waste Management

waste dump

Some countries have achieved considerable success in solid waste management. But the rest of the world is grappling to deal with its wastes. In these places, improper solid waste management continues to impact public health of entire communities and cities; pollute local water, air and land resources; contribute to climate change and ocean plastic pollution; […]

5 Factors Affecting The Future Of Sustainable Agriculture

sustainability in agriculture

If you were to look at the forecasts and predictions on paper, the fact we’re faced with a changing climate and over nine billion people to feed by 2050 could be seen as bleak. Uncertainty on how to continue our current and the rising competition for food are the two major obstacles that we need […]

How a Career in AI Helps in Climate Change Mitigation?

career artificial intelligence

Climate change has a direct impact on the agrarian societies, the frequency of natural disasters and the overall ecology of the planet. Using artificial intelligence, countries like Norway and India have made significant development in increasing their crop yields (30% increase in groundnut yields) and production of flexible and autonomous renewable energy grids and circuits. […]

The Future of Renewables: An Infographic

Renewable Energy

How much is the UK and the rest of the world really investing in renewable energy? Climate change campaigners, organisations and scientists argue that there is still more work to be done and that the need for coordinated action is greater than ever, as global warming remains on the international agenda. Investment in the renewable […]

Climate Change Impacts on Palestinian Women


The Palestinian Territories, especially the Gaza Strip, are highly vulnerable to climate change due to threats posed by increasing water stress, falling agricultural productivity, greater probability of flashfloods and saline intrusion into groundwater. Women in Palestine will have to bear greater impact of climate change because of their traditional, gender-prescribed roles as they are highly […]

The Quest for Climate Justice

climate change and human health

Climate change represents a real threat to human rights. It should be treated seriously to prevent the breakdown the biodiversity harmony of the planet and well-being of the people. Climate justice holds paramount importance in order to safeguard the health and livelihoods of most vulnerable communities. Despite the various contradictory stories concerning the real impact […]

Everything You Need to Know About Climate Variability

climate change glaciers

Earth’s climate has always been affected by a range of natural factors. It is known to have changed significantly during recorded history, even before gaseous emissions from human activity could have posed any significant threat to atmospheric or climatic conditions. Natural climate variability can arise from natural forcing mechanism which includes both internal oscillations and […]

Simple Changes to Switch to a Sustainable Lifestyle

reusable silicone bags

Climate change is real. From the North Pole to the South Pole, we have seen that the world is heating up at dangerous levels. The oceans are warming, the ice caps are melting, and natural calamities have been worsening. Every year, it feels like the effects of climate change continue to get worse, despite the […]

Environmental Conservation in Islamic Teachings


Islam has a rich tradition of highlighting the importance of environmental conservation. According to basic Islamic teachings, the basic elements of nature – land, water, fire, forest, and light – belong to all living things, not just human beings. Islam integrates the concept of environmental conservation into the philosophy of life for every believer. By doing […]

An Introduction to Greenhouse Gases


Greenhouse gases are generally any gas molecules or compounds in the atmosphere which interact with outgoing infrared radiation from the sun and thus contribute to the Greenhouse Effect by warming the atmosphere. The major constituents of the atmosphere such as nitrogen (N2) and oxygen (O2) do not interact with infrared radiation and, thus are not […]

Pathways of Transition to Agroecology: Technologies and Trends


Today, the international agricultural community recognizes the urgent need for the transition to agroecology. Developing and implementing optimal algorithms to do it as efficiently and fast as possible is the need of the hour. Such need for change comes from ineffective and non-environmentally conscious approaches to agriculture that have been in use before. Those approaches […]

Why 1.5 Degrees Matters for the Developing World


The world cannot achieve the sustainable development goals pledged for in 2016 by going higher than 1.5°C.  Currently we are 1.1 degree C above pre-industrial era.  Many countries are facing the effects of the rise in global temperatures. The increase of global temperature by  1.5 Degrees will have major adverse effects on least developed countries […]