Causes and Effects of Bike Accidents In Texas: What Does the Statistics Say?

bike accident in texas

Bike accidents in Texas might be more common than you think. In 2022, there were over 2,300 crashes involving bicycles, resulting in more than 300 serious injuries and close to 100 fatalities. These figures spiked even further in 2023, as figures from the Texas Department of Transportation showed. By mid-2023, Texas had recorded an alarming […]

Victim of a Hit and Run Bike Accident? These Tips Should Help

Tips for victim of hit and run bike accident

What happens when you are the victim of a hit-and-run bike accident? It is downright unnerving. It’s like being caught in a whirlwind of emotions in that moment of shock and worry. What matters most at that moment is to give yourself a moment to breathe and then take some real-life superhero steps to ensure […]