The Top 4 Green Materials for Your Sustainable Furniture


Every home needs functional and eye-candy pieces of furniture. But in our era today, functionality and style are no longer the criteria in buying such items. The necessity of furniture to become eco-friendly or ‘green’ is now the new norm, not just for lifestyle-conscious people, but also for those who are looking for ways to […]

10 Natural Building Materials to Build Homes


Long before modern construction, before human-made materials and before manufacturing, our ancestors managed to built shelters from the natural materials surrounding them. Today, modern building mainly relies on manufactured materials to construct modern homes. But this has caused a significant adverse impact on the environment over the years. For this very reason, humankind is trying […]

Environmentally-Responsible Flooring Across The Home

components of modern architecture

As younger generations are slowly beginning to get traction on the housing ladder, their spending habits are beginning to be reflected in the home improvement market. Millennials are more invested in sustainability than previous generations, and luckily- they’re willing to pay to see their values reflected in their homes. A study by Forbes found that […]

How to Choose the Right Hard Flooring for Your Family Home?


Choosing hard flooring or a garage flooring Seattle is a great way to revamp your home however choosing the floor covering isn’t always an easy decision. You have to consider several factors before you decide on the type of flooring to put in your home including the overall style of your home. The great thing […]

An Easy Guide on How to Use the Bamboo Plant


Living sustainably brings many challenges nowadays. Aside from trying to find what to eat, how to sort out your garbage and what cosmetics to use, you also need to pay attention to the clothes you’re going to wear. You also need to look for the fabrics that feel comfortable and also look good. As some […]