There’s an adage that says, “distance makes the heart grow fonder,” but it’s certainly true that keeping in touch with family while living abroad can be challenging. One of the necessary evils of moving abroad is having to say goodbye to friends and family members.
Although lives are busy, people often long for the company of friends and family. But because not everyone is lucky enough to find stable jobs in their hometown, they usually have to go abroad for better pay and leave their whole lives behind.
Though the distance may be far, it shouldn’t challenge you to ditch your loved ones. If anything, it should encourage you to strengthen your bond with them. Here are five ways to help you stay in touch with family and friends who live abroad:
1. Use video chat and messaging services
People who live abroad or those who are currently away from home usually rely on video chatting and messaging services to keep in touch with family and friends. That’s because these apps are convenient and free to use.
It also makes the time more lively and memorable since you can record your chats and store them for future viewing. So, try to schedule video chats with your loved ones at least once or twice a week if you’re both busy with your lives.
Loneliness can be an overwhelming feeling, even if they’re already enjoying their freedom abroad. But with the help of modern technology, they’ll never have to spend their Sundays alone again because they’ll have you, even if it’s only through a screen.
2. Send letters, food and packages to one another
Skype and messaging services may be great, but everyone loves receiving snail mail, especially hand-written letters. You can send a letter with your child’s drawings or footprints, small snacks like cookies and chips, and other items that will make your loved one feel at home.
And because there’s online food delivery nowadays, you can be just a click away to send your loved ones’ food, even if you’re on another continent. You can even surprise your loved ones with a big care package that you can send through sea cargo, which is often cheaper than air freight.
Don’t worry if you can’t send gifts that often, though. Surely, your loved one will understand if your budget is tight and you’re trying to make ends meet. After all, it’s the thought that counts.
3. Exchange pictures of events and daily life
You can easily send pictures of your events and daily life through the use of social media platforms. This way, your loved ones won’t feel the physical distance that separates them from you because they’ll be able to see your life through the images you post online.
Since they’re seeing what’s happening in your day-to-day life, they’ll feel closer to you than ever. They can even live vicariously through your pictures and videos if they think you’re having more fun than them because of the distance.
4. Communicate constantly through call and text
Just because they’re miles apart doesn’t mean you’ll have to keep in touch through handwritten letters. You can easily call and text each other every day if you lack time for video chatting services. Plus, simply hearing each other’s voices can make both of you feel secure and relaxed even from a far distance.
So, make it a point to call and text each other every day to make your conversations a regular thing. Not only will they feel better, but you’ll also create a stronger bond with them in the long run. This way, when they come back home, you’ll feel like nothing has changed at all.
5. Travel to each other if possible
Visiting each other is still the best way to keep in touch, especially during special occasions like birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, and graduations, among others. Don’t let such opportunities pass you by. If you have the money, you must visit your loved ones as soon as possible to strengthen your bond.
Not only can you finally see them face-to-face, but you’ll also get to spend time together and eat home-cooked meals like the old times. And this could be the perfect excuse to spend a vacation in another country, especially if you haven’t seen the place.
So there you have it, some means to stay in touch with family and friends who are living abroad. With these tips in mind, it’s guaranteed that your bond will become stronger than ever before. Use technology wisely to keep yourself updated about what’s happening in their life while keeping them updated about yours, too.