
Why Scheduled Inspections is Important For Property Managers?

Scheduled inspections are an essential aspect of every investment property as it will help gauge the condition of the entire asset. However, there are guidelines to heed in administering property inspections to protect a tenant’s privacy. Conducting inspections with accuracy and professionalism alleviates the tenant’s apprehensions resulting in a comprehensive property inspection.

Property managers must follow specific guidelines in administering property inspections. One of the most popular regulations relates to the frequency of scheduled property inspections that are allowed by the relevant state authority. In Australia, if the property is in the state of Queensland, the property manager is permitted to inspect every three months, likewise, in New South Wales, managers can conduct inspections quarterly. Every state has different guidelines, and the property manager that you have must be aware of that.

Property Managers

Scheduled inspections require managers to grant tenants notification before the inspection date. Each state has a different notice period, in both New South Wales and Queensland, there are seven days, while other states like South Australia and Western Australia, have seven to fourteen days.

Property managers must also set a protocol before inspecting to cover the relevant areas in a short period.

  • Identifying what and where to inspect:
  • Condition of the home’s fire alarm
  • Electrical wires, and switches, outlets
  • Pipes and drainage leakage
  • Toilet and bathroom condition
  • Walls and ceilings
  • Flooring and windows
  • Door locks and hinges
  • Cleanliness
  • Garage status
  • Lawn conditions like pruning or mowing, etc.
  • Gates and fences status
  • Pest control

These are just some examples of what property managers will look at when conducting indoor and outdoor property inspections. Making a checklist is the best strategy to impose. The list will ensure that all areas are inspected and also helps the manager in completing an accurate property report without omitting any details. Although most regulatory bodies will provide a template report for property managers to use, it is still best to create your own checklist to help you ensure the state of the property.


Property managers must conduct each home inspection with professionalism to avoid misunderstanding and disputes. Communication is essential in handling the tenant’s queries or even in pacifying their reservations. Property managers must know how to communicate to tenants in discussing the issues found during the inspection. Tenants with poor property conditions or those that have clearly neglected to follow property guidelines will receive a post-inspection note. An effective property manager will help ensure that tenant’s are clearly made aware of their obligations under the tenancy lease agreement.

Scheduled inspections are significant in ensuring property conditions and the tenant’s safety, making it a crucial task for property managers. Frequent inspections will also occur when tenants move in or move out. Property managers, like Bluestone Property Management & Sales, will normally take photos of the property during these inspections as documentary evidence of the property’s health. A competent property manager will always value the importance of scheduled property inspections.

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