Decorating the ceiling for your party is a great idea. Firstly, you will get the “dome” effect, because the ceiling crowns the entire space and unites it. Secondly, you don’t need to move furniture or drill, and that sounds great. We’ve prepared for you some great ideas: fairy lights, garlands, ribbons, and quality balloons that you can buy here!
Hanging decorations for the New Year
Ceiling New Year decoration is one of the most versatile. And those who make the main emphasis on windows and on the Christmas tree on the New Year’s Eve, avoiding decorating the ceiling, make a big mistake. Because the ceiling gives a greater effect of transforming the space.
Here are some options for winter decoration of the ceiling for the New Year:
1. Fairy lights
This is the most obvious option. You can cut out a lot of stars from thick design cardboard, sew them in one line on a sewing machine and hang them from one corner to the other from the ceiling plinths. The components of the garland can be snowmen, snowflakes, snow-white spirals, flags, Christmas trees made of paper, and so on. All this looks appropriate and beautiful. But there are several garlands to be made so that they intersect.
2. Christmas balls
You can hang a Christmas ball on a beautiful silver thread, and then they cling to the ceiling with an adhesive tape. You hang as many balls as you want. It looks unexpected, festive and magical. Also, you can hang your Christmas decorations on a chandelier. You can hang them symmetrically, maintaining the same level, or you can hang them more randomly (but still thinking through in advance how it will look).
3. Chains of paper rings
Such a garland will not become obsolete; moreover, today this simple decor is once again relevant. If you do not want the variegation of colored paper, the garland can be made in a calmer range. For example, you can make all the rings from craft paper: you will get a beige neutral garland, and yet it will fulfill its mission of decorating the ceiling perfectly. But colored paper rings also look elegant and festive.
4. Luminous garland along the plinth
This option is great because several (sometimes a couple is enough) battery-powered New Year’s garlands can be fixed to the ceiling plinth using double-sided tape and form a glow around the perimeter of the ceiling. It is very simple and obvious, but still beautiful. Find more information here about the top interior design companies in Dubai
Hanging decorations for a birthday party
You need an atmosphere of fun for a birthday. And it’s not just about children’s birthdays. Ceiling decoration will help to cope with this task.
1. Paper garland
It is impossible not to start with it, because it is the cheapest and the most popular option. Cut colored flags, stitch them, fasten them from corner to corner – and a holiday will come into the house. But not only flags are suitable: circles, hearts, stripes, various geometric shapes will also do an excellent job.
2. Paper birds
Paper birds can also be hung on strings from the ceiling. They are cut according to a template (it can be made from thick watercolor paper or from special design paper). Birds can be flat or with open wings (they will probably have to be glued). This decor looks especially good for spring birthdays.
3. Balloons
If you inflate a balloon with helium, it will stay under the ceiling, and this is the first way to decorate it using balloons. When it comes to balloons that are inflated with air, then of course they will not stay under the ceiling. So, you can use several options:
First option
You will need a woolen sweater, or felt (we will use static electricity). First, we inflate balloons with air. Next, rub the side that will be in contact with the ceiling using the wool or felt. Now, attach them to the ceiling.
Second option
If you need a more reliable fastening, then you will need adhesive tape or masking tape (it does not leave traces of glue on the surface).
Garland of satin ribbons
Attach colored, glossy satin ribbons to a fishing line or a rope in any convenient way (sometimes it is enough just to tie it on a rope) and stretch it between the walls. You can use many colors at once, or focus on a narrow choice – for example, only pink and burgundy or only white and mint.
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