how to make money with photography

How Photographers Can Make Money

Have you learned photography but still wondering how to earn money? There are different online and offline ways to make money with this exciting art –  photography.

Expert photographers are in high demand now more than ever for their work. From big corporations, SME businesses to bloggers, marketers, graphic designers, and publishers, everyone purchases and uses photos for their work.

Here are some profitable ways to make money as a photographer. So, let us dig in.

street photography

1. Sell Prints Online

Take some fantastic shots of whatever beautiful and unique you find. Your pictures should be good enough to attract people to buy them. There are numerous inexpensive and easy ways to make money by selling quality photo prints.

One of the easy ways is to sell those photo prints online through a third-party seller. It is the seller’s responsibility to do all the legal work, process the order, print, and send those prints. In return, they will provide you with a commission.

You can also upload your pictures to a site and start making money by selling them online. For example, you can upload them on websites like ElephantStock, etc. These types of websites offer you a platform to trade your products.

how to make money with photography

2. Join Photo Contests

Are you confident about your photography skills? If yes, then participate in various photography contests. You will learn and compete with an eclectic mix of photographers with different skills and levels of experience.

Do not be afraid to lose out; just try your luck. Even if you do not win the contest, it can help you to gain some exposure. There are several photo contests out there, and the prizes can go grand. Here are the names of some major photography contests:

  • International Photography Awards
  • National Geographic Your Shot
  • Sony World Photography Awards
  • Nikon Small World

3. Teach Photography

With experience, you acquire tons of techniques and valuable tips. Learners and other photographers would like to learn that. So, give them photography classes and explain to them knowledgeable skills while transmitting your passion.

Teaching is also known as the best way to learn new stuff. While teaching your skills, you deal with different interesting people and sometimes gain knowledge about some new things.

Nowadays, millions of people are taking online photography classes. Therefore, you can consider this convenient solution.

You can also diversify your income streams and enrich the learning experiences of others by incorporating photography education into your skill set. However, it’s essential to recognize that while teaching photography is rewarding, it comes with certain obligations.

Fortunately, photography insurance acts as a safeguard, protecting you from potential legal liabilities and unforeseen circumstances that might arise during your teaching endeavors.

4. Sell Posters and Souvenirs With Your Photos

It is time to think beyond photo books and wall art. Today, you can sell anything that looks unique and great with your prints on it. In addition, you can sell your photo products on several places online like:

  • Facebook: It is an excellent place to start selling your quality products. Create a business page, invite various contacts to like it, and request them to spread the word. You can also sell products on Facebook’s online marketplace app.
  • Instagram: It is suitable for selling handmade items and digital artwork like posters, postcards, family pictures, wedding invitation templates, etc. You can also create custom T-shirts, posters, mugs, other souvenirs or upload its ready-made designs on Instagram. If you want to know about designing posters, click here.

5. Sell Photos to Magazines

There are numerous digital and print magazines around the world. Find one that suits your artwork. Do not sit idle and let dust collect on your hard drives.  It is an excellent opportunity to earn money through your pictures.

Sell your photos to magazines, and it will help you earn and promote your work.

6. Photography Blogs

Blogging is a simple way to make money with your photography skills. So, create a great blog to attract readers and earn decent money through advertising.

how to make money with photography

For example, you can make a blog on Google Ads. It is the most popular way to attract people. Feature photography tutorials through your blog and see if any photo workshop is interested in advertising your work.

The key to blogging is to regularly post some quality content. Make sure to link your online portfolio to your Instagram feed. It will let people and potential clients see your beautiful images.

Wrapping Up

There are different ways to earn through your photography. You can sell prints, offer to teach, etc. It depends on your personality what you are interested in. You can monetize your photography skills smartly and earn fame and more experience.

Originally posted 2021-07-22 12:38:09.

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