Machines for packaging are a huge part of multiple businesses, especially when the trade of copious amounts of products is on the line. Do you want to expand your business and improve your business’ overall output efficiency? Well, then, look no further because below, we will be listing all the necessary information that you can take advantage of in order to improve your business plans. Continue reading to learn about shrink wrapping machines and how it works.
Shrink Wrapping: What is it?
The technique is not simple and easy: An object is placed in the shrink wrapping machine, and a loose film of polyolefin shrink wrap is wrapped around it. Then, heat is used to shrink the film securely around the object. The end result is clear, shiny film wrapped around the object. It is usually preferred over stretch wraps or overwraps because it is safer and stronger. It also fits the object’s shape more precisely, forming a thin, transparent layer of plastic on top.
The Shrink Wrapping Machine
It is possible by two methods: A heat gun or a shrink wrapping machine. The gun is usually utilized by those who do not have hefty products on their hands and only need to handle a light load on a weekly basis. However, since businesses need to tackle bulkier products in large amounts, a gun would be of little to no use.
As a result, a shrink wrapping machine would be perfect to swiftly handle sizeable goods. The type of shrink-wrapping machinery that you require depends entirely upon taking into account your present wrapping procedure and the things you want to accomplish.
You will need to think of all the possible problems to tackle, such as how fast the generation process works, what array of sizes are needed and how quickly a changeover may be available, and so on and so forth. Name your requirements, and a shrink wrapping machine will be readily available.
How Does Shrink Wrapping Function?
Most of us will not pay much mind to the overall procedure and operation of the industrial shrink wrap machine. The secret lies in altering and manipulating certain polymers; lengthy atoms in plastic are known as polymers. Here, they are normally found in a distorted manner which makes them difficult to wrap.
When the polymers are formed into a film of plastic suitable for wrapping, its molecules are stretched out into a fine layer which makes them excellent for wrapping around different objects. The said film is placed around the object that has to be wrapped. After the heat is linked to the film, it instantaneously shrinks. Why so? Because the warmth causes the polymers to acquire their initial distorted shape.
However, the size that a polymer shrinks is completely dependent on its kind. For instance, the PVC film for shrink wrap is able to shrink for up to fifty percent, whereas the polyolefin film for shrink wrap shrinks a little less, despite being a firmer sealing option than PVC.
Advantages of Shrink Wrapping
It is preferred over other methods of wrapping as it ensures the safety of the products and protects them from any dampness, bright light, and it also keeps the object secure during transportation. Shrink wrapping is perfect for wrapping CDs which can be seen from its covering; it is also perfect for food items and pharmaceuticals. It is also popular for its economical packaging.
At first glance, the polyolefin film for shrink wrap might look quite thin, and while it is the thinnest film available in the market, its strength is no match. These are only a few of the many multiple factors why the shrink wrap film is the best alternative to any other packaging method.
Shrink Wrapping Machine: How Does It Work?
The way a shrink wrapping machine works is dictated by its kind. The chamber-sealer, L-sealer, and side sealer are the three most common types of shrink wrapping machines.

1. Chamber Sealer
The chamber sealer, as the name suggests, puts the items through a chamber or compartment, where the film of shrink wrap is prepared to be packaged around the object. This chamber is warm enough so that the shrink-wrap is compressed and forms a secure coating over the object. The duration of this process varies depending on the width of the plastic.
2. L-sealer
This particular type is manufactured to cater to bigger sizes of shrink-wrapping material. If you have an automatic L-sealer at hand, set it up, simply plug it in and put your desired object into the machine. This machine has two bars for sealing which form a backward ‘L’ shape. Shrink film bends down the two bars to make a pouch-like opening through the crinkle of the folds to allow your objects to pass in.
The shrink film has three other sides that should be firmly sealed once your object is safely placed inside the crease. The L-sealer can identify when an item is placed completely inside the machine and when to coat the objects with the shrink film. Later, a shrink tunnel in the manufacturing line gets a hold of the unheated part of the shrink wrap attached to each product and warms the wrap so that it can firmly fit around each item.
3. Side Sealer
Last but not least, this is the fastest and the most convenient means to bundle products in huge amounts of products in the least amount of time. The products are wrapped in a nonstop pipe of film, covering a single side of the item then splitting the separate units downstream by a crisscross seal. The side sealers are usually found in two arrangements: with either two or three belts.
The sealer with two belts is a little bigger compared to an L-sealer and removes one of the side sealer belts for creating the final seal right before the side seal. This kind is the most efficient for when you have to wrap bigger items but cannot make time to increase the extent of the production line. On the other hand, the sealers with three belts are somewhat bigger in comparison with the sealers with two belts and also have the benefit of making exact spacing between the items before they enter the area where they are to be wrapped up.
All in all, if you settle on using the shrink wrapping machine over any other method of packaging, you have made the right choice. For instance, using the automatic shrink-wrapping machinery significantly hurries up the process of wrapping your items.
Originally posted 2021-08-11 13:06:19.