Writing an essay is always a challenge. But when we are talking about the HiSET essay, which represents all the knowledge base you got in a high school, it is a new level of responsibility. Using some cheap essay writing service affordable papers would be a nice option to get at least a sample of your future work and see, which points make it really beneficial, especially including it is not against the law.
Nonetheless, the HiSET essay is not a common paper. It is the one, which requires all your concentration, and gives you a time limit, which also creates some additional pressure. Searching for affordable papers you will be able to get nice HiSET essays, which would be a great representation of your knowledge base and access to the university, but you still need to know, how to make this essay perfect yourself. Check out OmniPapers’ list of sites to know the best websites for your programming assignment.
The Main Points To Include
In writing a HiSET essay, you have to include different points of this essay writing guide, which would be necessary if you want to get the highest grade. The list of important points includes:
- a hooking, strong introduction, which represents the main points of your paper;
- strong conclusion, which doesn’t leave the examiner with questions;
- logical sequence of your paper;
- a developed grammar is proof of your level of education and shows that lang study was efficient. You can use any grammar app to check your text;
- clear essay, without any extras;
- clear thought about the main essay point;
- strong and extended expression of your ideas, which do prove your position;
- the formal style of your overall work;
- giving an alternative thought on the described issue to create the pluralism of thoughts.
These points are necessary for writing an essay. Being constant for all the HiSET essays, they represent the fact that you are aware of how the test works, and what your examiner wants to know by reading your paper.
The Structure Of Your Essay
In writing the essay, you have to provide the basic structure of your paper, which would give you an opportunity to provide all your thoughts. The structure is pretty simple:
- the introduction paragraph as the first step, where you have to show the purpose of your topic, and why it is important for you, and give a clear position about your thought on a specific topic;
- the first paragraph, where you show the first argument, supporting your thesis;
- the second paragraph, where you show the second statement, which comes with the support for your thesis;
- the third paragraph, where you show the opposite position and shows that your topic is controversial;
- the conclusion, where you briefly summarize your analysis of the topic and include your statements.
This is the best way to represent your thought on some specific topic. It is not only necessary to keep the presented structure but also gives you an opportunity to have a pretty easy script of writing.
Moreover, you should not write 4 statements, providing two supporting your thought and two opposing. This way, you will not be able to provide a high-level essay, that would fully express your thought on a certain topic. For that reason, you have to show which thought is major.
However, keep in mind, that you have 50 minutes to present your paper, and it is more than enough for writing a top-grade essay. Spend 10-15 minutes on reading all the passages and planning your statements, while all the other time you can spend on writing your essay. 30-35 minutes would be just enough to keep yourself calm and present the best paper.
Editing Your Essay
After writing, you will probably find out, that you have a couple of minutes to check everything and complete editing your essay. After writing it, you will be able to see, whether there is something you would like to add, and whether the structure is good.
The approach is quite intuitive:
- Read your paper. Read it carefully, and look at whether the sequence is logical. Remember the structure: introduction, the strongest positive statement, supporting statement, opposing statement, and the conclusion.
- Check out whether your statements are strong enough. Try thinking as a third-party person, who knows nothing about the topic, and think about whether your statements are convincing for an average reader.
- Check the examples out. Your main task is to make examples stick to your statements. This way, you have to see, how the example you provided represents your thought, and whether it is suitable for the current paper or not.
- Is there enough vocabulary? Keep in mind, that your task is not only representing your sight on some topic but giving enough proof, that you learned a lot of complex things. Vocabulary is important here.
- Check out for errors. If you have enough time, have some rest, which would refresh your mind, and give you a clear sight of the topic. This way, you will be more likely to see all the mistakes you could have made.
And this is all the guide to writing a scholarship essay. It is really that simple.
How To Make A Paper Successful?
To make your essay really successful and sometimes unique, you can stick to this new SAT essay scoring guide:
- Provide your statements clear and strong. This way, your thesis has to be univocal, so the examiner would have no questions about your position.
- Support your statement with some historical events. It is a sort of cheat code, which would show that you have a strong knowledge base to make some cultural or historical references to support your position.
- Give some examples from your personal life, It is always welcome to show that you are aware of the topic with your own experience. It can be a traumatic or dramatic event described, but this way, you will enhance your statements with real proof. But make sure that the described events are real and took place in a real life.
- Prove the opposing argument. It is not enough to just drop the fact and leave it just to keep the structure well. You can also use some historical, cultural, or personal references, which would ensure the examiner, that you know both pros and cons of the described issue.
Stick to this common college essay guide, and scoring your HiSET essay, examiners would give you the highest grade!