Living an eco-friendly lifestyle can give you a great sense of pride and well-being. But what if this isn’t enough? Seeing other people carry on with their non-eco-friendly methods can be hard to ignore. But nobody wants to be that irritating person forcing their views onto other people. We should know how to encourage others to care for the environment so here are few interesting ways to encourage your family and friends to go green:
1. Emphasize the cost efficiency
A common misconception of green living is that it’s expensive. By emphasising the money someone could save by living more eco-friendly you may help persuade them. The opportunity to never pay an electric bill might be a more relatable argument to use in convincing someone to buy solar panels than simply harking on at them about fossil fuels. Sources such as Money Saving Expert are good for finding unbiased facts on the subject.
2. Show the fun side to being green
Green living isn’t all about stripping back luxuries and living frugally. If your friend is a fitness fanatic, plan a day out somewhere local and suggest the offer to cycle instead of drive. You can have a few drinks and cycle back – something you wouldn’t be able to do with a car.

3. Share your organic produce
If you grow your own food, why not offer some to your neighbours and tell them it’s home-grown. Upon tasting the freshness, others may have the idea to start up their own vegetable patch. You can even take curious friends and family members round and show them how you grow your own food.
Remember that even if someone doesn’t have a garden, they may be able to grow certain fruit and veg in and around the home such as cherry tomatoes and peppers.
4. Use the support of groups and other people
Sustainable lifestyle isn’t something that a small cult are doing – a huge amount of people are now getting involved. Show this support and people may be more tempted to get involved. There are many awareness groups out there such as Save Earth that can be used to show this support. Share posts by these groups on social media and attend green events with your friends.

5. Stick by your principles
The most important step to green living is sticking by your principles. Don’t slip into your old ways just because someone else wants you to – make a stand. Of course, you can still do this politely. If you’re a business that operates paperless and another business you work with wants paper records from them, tell them that you run your business paperless and can’t comply. This stubbornness will show that you’re taking green methods seriously and may lead them to think about changing their methods.
If you’re going back on you principles for other people, no one will be inspired towards green living like you. You should let others continue their ways if it doesn’t involve you, but if it does you should take a stance.
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