
What Are Dog and Cats Seizures and How Do You Treat Them?

Seizures, or commonly known as a fit or convulsion, is now a pretty common topic amongst the pet owners. Whether you have a cat or a dog, seeing them having a seizure can be worrisome. However, in most cases, the owners do not know why their pet is suffering from a seizure or what should they do to treat them. This article will explain seizures in dogs and cats and the ways you can help address them.

What Are Dog and Cat Seizures?

A seizure is caused due to abnormal brain activity, which means that there is a surge in the electrical activity of the brain. If the seizure attacks occur again and again in the animal, it is known as epilepsy. The symptoms include:

  • Twitching
  • Shaking
  • Tremors
  • Spasms
  • Convulsions

The seizure attacks can last for a few seconds to several minutes. Sometimes they occur in the animals once or twice and then stop by themselves. However, more often than not, they are caused due to underlying conditions. Seizures in dogs can be because of the fear stimulation caused by objects in the environment, for example, fireworks maybe. These conditions include::

  • Brain Tumor: Older pets often experience seizures because of brain tumor. Other signs including stumbling while walking and going around in circles, can also be the symptoms of brain tumors.
  • Build Up Of Toxins: The build-up of toxins in the blood due to problems related to kidney and liver also leads to seizure in pets.
  • Encephalitis: Inflammation of the brain is one of the symptoms of Encephalitis, and this inflammation leads to seizures in your pets.
  • Injury: Lastly, injury such as accidents causing direct impact to the head and leaving the animal unconscious can also irritate the brain, and hence the animal might develop seizures after a few days or weeks.
  • Others: Other conditions such as anemia, strokes, low or high blood sugar, electrolyte poison, and even eating poisonous substances can cause seizures.

What Do I Do If My Dog Or Cat Has Seizures?

Seeing your dog or cat having seizures can be scary, but the first thing you should do is stay calm. This way, you will be able to take faster and better actions. Now check for the signs in your pet.


Most of the time, the attacks are small and will only last for a few seconds to a few minutes. Time the seizure. If the seizure lasts for over 5 minutes, take your pet to the vet.

While your pet is having a seizure, stay away from their head or mouth, or you might risk getting bitten. Also, make sure that the animal is kept in a cool place to avoid overheating of the body.

Even, in some cases, the pets lose control of their body movements when they are having these, attacks hence make sure to move things away from them to avoid any unnecessary injury. Find out more about what you should do in case your pet has seizures here:

It is also essential to see the vet immediately after the seizure ends. Also, if the pet experiences repeated attacks, one after the other, go to the emergency immediately. The longer the seizure lasts, the more it can cause damage to the brain of your cat or your dog.

What Are The Treatments?

When you take your pet to the vet, they will try to understand the cause behind it. Once the cause is determined, the treatment is given accordingly. The treatment will include things such as.

  • Strengthen the liver, kidney, and brain
  • Avoiding foods that have toxins
  • Giving medication for brain activity as well as the other health conditions.
  • Alternate therapies as per the pet’s needs.

You should always follow the advice of your doctor while treating the symptoms of the underlying conditions causing the attacks. Click here to learn more about the use of CBD in treatment of seizures in pets. There are also some other medicines that you can give your pets to reduce symptoms such as inflammation, pain, and much more.

How To Tell If Your Pet Is Having A Seizure?

There are levels of seizure that can be seen in animals. Your pet might go through mild episodes that include staring into space or repetitive jaw movements. This can go un-noticed more often than not.


In severe cases, there is a loss of body control, unusual movements, thrashing, and much more. Depending on the severity, you should consider taking your pet to the doctor. However, even if you see your pet having a mild seizure but repeatedly, they might need treatment and a thorough checkup.


Seizures are caused due to unusual brain activity and might be a symptom of underlying health conditions. They can last for a few seconds to a few minutes, and if they happen repeatedly, taking your pet to the vet is necessary. Post the diagnosis, accurate dosage scheduling and regular visits to the vet can be a great way to keep your pet away from seizures and potential harm to the brain.

Originally posted 2020-07-28 14:48:43.

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