Concrete is the most essential part of the construction and is used for various purposes. Thanks to the ease of construction processes that we can easily access connect the rural towns with the urban ones. Concrete sawing or cutting is the most vital point of the construction. Before we move ahead, let us try to find the basics of concrete sawing.
What is Concrete Sawing
Concrete sawing is the drilling process which involves the removal of certain concrete materials, asphalt or bricks that is important to renovate the old structures into a new one. Different tools are used in the sawing process which typically is powered either by gasoline or electricity or hydraulic.
Safety of Workers
Although less manpower required in the concrete sawing and drilling process, yet there are certain safety essentials that often mislead the people. Certain myths related to Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) which is used by the workers at the construction sites. The surface of the floor should be shinier with the help of diamond floor concrete polishing, and therefore, it is used to make concrete for pipes, manholes, and even large perforations on stone.
- The cartridge should be changed as per changing smell: This is the most common myth among the workers. As per the guidelines, there should be a precise schedule for changing the cartridges. It is quite possible that after a certain period of time, the workers might get desensitized due to certain smells. If they don’t change the cartridges at the time of concrete sawing, it can greatly affect them
- Indirect vent goggles and half mask would be effective: Most of the workers think that half mask or indirect safety goggle can be used while dealing with formaldehyde. However, as per the regulations, full face respirators should be used that should obviously have cartridges.
Crucial Facts about Concrete Sawing
- Strong attention to the safety: Construction companies do not hurry up to complete the concrete sawing process. They equally pay proper attention to the safety aspect as well. If they ignore the safety prospect, it might delay their project completion and if too strict, it can shut down the job site.
- Quick availability: Another useful point why concrete sawing is so important is that it is quickly available. In order to carry out the cutting or sawing process, it does not require long time planning process in order to make it accessible.
- Easily available tools: The tools used for the sawing process are easily available. It includes a drill machine operated by gasoline, electricity or hydraulic, drill blades and many more. There is even a handheld or walk behind saw a machine that is used as per the precise requirement.
- Reduced chances of delay: As said earlier, there is no prior planning required for the process of concrete sawing.
These were some essential things related to concrete sawing. As a matter of fact, there are several aspects of sawing which is generally ignored by most of the professionals. Unless and until suitable tips and steps are followed, it might hamper the success of on-time project completion. Though being an essential part of the construction, the owners should prioritize the safety of the workers.
There are different drilling and sawing companies available in the market. This concrete sawing process is used in many industries like a pipeline, oil refinery, pharmaceuticals and plumbing, and also in phone line industries. With the right tools and techniques, the concrete sawing can be used to make higher levels of construction also.
Great article! Very informative! Thank you.