What is a Thermal Power Plant and How Does it Work?


Power plants are industrial facilities where the electrical power is generated. Power plants generally have one or more generators or heating machine which assist in generating the electrical power. There are different forms of power plants which are radically defined based on the resources they use to convert the fuels to electrical power. A thermal […]

Antibody Screening: What Is It and Why We do It?

uses of antibody screening

The most common way to diagnose a disease is through the use of blood or tissue tests. These tests are not always specific and sensitive enough for detecting any type of disorder, which leads to potential misdiagnoses. To overcome this issue, there have been many new developments in antibody screening that can be used for […]

Everything You Need to Know About Dust


Our approach to cleaning is scientific in nature. We never assume that the way we clean is the best way, only an increasingly better way. By looking closely at the way we humans have approached the cleaning of our homes over eons has unearthed some intriguing insights. To distil these innumerable learnings into facts is […]

How 3D Printers Have Made the Life of Teachers Easy

3D Printer UK

This is the age of technology. Science is introducing us with new things day by day that is extremely helpful to us. Technology has changed our standard of living. Nowadays we are surrounded by machines that are preparing fantastic and interesting things for us that not only facilitate us but also entertain us in a […]

Everything You Should Know About the Uses of Mycorrhizal Fungi

uses of mycorhizza

Mycorrhizal fungi forms association with a lot of plant roots and studies have shown that they help plant nutrient and water uptake as well as help in increased pathogen and disease resistance. Mycorrhizal fungi can be applied to plants where soil conditions are poor (ectomycorrhizal) or where there is a high risk of plant pathogens […]

All You Need to Know About Future Renewable Energy Systems

energy needs of the world

We have a lot of renewable energy sources in the past 50 years because of the hard work of scientists. But the problem is that these are very expensive and their productivity depends on the weather. Scientists are now trying to find out how alternate methods can be found. The source of energy that will supply […]

Why Math Experts Established the BODMAS Rule?


If you had to quickly figure out which math operation to perform first in the following expression, which says 3 + 6 – 4 x 5, you might get confused to proceed with addition, subtraction or multiplication. To ease this confusion, the BODMAS rule was established in order to help students remember the correct order […]

The Importance of Reagent Preparation Systems


Almost every industry uses certain chemicals. Plants that have anything to do with organic chemistry rely on reagents to perform all kinds of testing for their products. These substances have wide use in the pharmacy, cosmetic industry, transportation, oil industry, etc. These substances must be properly stored and prepared to be used in the best […]

Benefits of Gas Chromatography vs Thin Layer Chromatography


Thanks to advances in testing and analysis technology, there is an increasing demand for trained and highly skilled testing professionals. The impressive progress in improving testing equipment has also caused a rise in demand for analytical chemists. Gas chromatography is one of the highest demanded training courses from aspiring chemists and scientists worldwide. This has […]

Everything You Need to Know About Water Current Turbines


Generation of energy using ocean water currents is one of the most important yet unexplored and neglected topic. Water current turbines are energy contributors which can reduce conventional energy dependency and decrease dependence on conventional fossil fuels in the country. In case of water current turbines, issue of space comes nowhere, what matters is the […]

Advances in Aeration Turbine Technology

turbine blades aircraft

The future of aeration technology lies in really dynamic solutions, such as turbines. They are in jet planes and even cars, hydro power plants, steam turbines, gas turbines and as wind turbines. They convert electricity to various kinds of flow and vice versa. Surely this is where the action is, so work should be done […]

The Science Behind Bioregulators: How They Control Cellular Function

how bioregulators work

The cellular function is deeply connected with an underlying science behind bioregulators. Uncovering these tiny molecular mechanisms to control and influence cellular functions ultimately paves the way for a deeper understanding of our biological intricacies. So, let’s start looking into it. Defining bioregulators Bioregulators are amino acid chains that serve as molecular builders, contributing to […]

Pressure Swing Adsorption Technique for Biogas Enrichment

biogas upgradation methods

Pressure swing adsorption, also known as carbon molecular sieves, is one of most popular biogas upgrading techniques. A typical PSA system is composed of four vessels in series that are filled with adsorbent media which is capable of removing water vapor, CO2, N2 and O2 from the biogas stream. During operation, each adsorber operates in an alternating […]

Creating Artificial Rain by Building Small Hadley Cells

hadley microcell

There is a method to increase precipitation called “Cloud seeding”. Artificial rain by utilizing sunlight – Hadley microcell – is another interesting approach for creating artificial rain.  Hadley cell is a natural phenomenon and part of Hadley cell close to the equator receives rich precipitation.   Why rain happens? There are several mechanisms of creating […]

Climate Change Contrarians – A Compendium

Global Warming

Everyone is concerned about global warming and climate change, one of today’s hottest topics. Just looking up these terms in any search engine will turn millions of results. It is a topic growing in importance and it is the duty of every global citizen to understand this phenomenon. There is a consensus among 97% of […]

Negative Effects of Industrialization


When exploration of crude oil, coal mining occurs and burning of fossil fuels there is an increase in atmospheric carbon which is higher than natural sedimentation of Carbon as observed in industrialized nations.  In the last two and a half centuries, the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere has increased by one third. Ecosystems which were a […]

Things to Know About the Hazardous Nature of Gas Hydrates

dangers of gas hydrate

Gas hydrates have a crystalline form and resemble ice. Gases are typically trapped within the hydrates, which can be found inside of permafrost or in sediments below the seafloor. The most common gas trapped inside of the hydrates (or clathrates) is methane. They are usually formed in cold, high pressure areas and have a compact […]

5 Algae Innovations for Environment Protection


Sustainability in the construction sector is a focus that needs to be made a priority in order to make a realistic transition to a low-carbon economy. Algae-powered Innovations is one such solution that can significantly benefit our environment and preserve our fast-depleting natural resources. As a source of power that is both viable and ethically […]

Winter Smog – Causes, Impacts and Management


In many developing countries, the air quality during the winter months plummet due to winter smog which not only causes massive disruption in daily activities but also create a mass public health crisis with spike in patient population with asthma and lung and respiratory diseases during the period of its occurrence. Let us explore the […]

Everything You Need to Know About Electron Microscope

how an electron microscope works

Our eyes are engineered to see things in a more ‘bigger picture’ manner. When we look at objects we only see the whole and not the parts that go into making the whole. Looking at a piece of paper on your desk you are only able to discern that it is paper. Your eyes are […]

How to Study for JEE Mains Chemistry 2023

How to Study for JEE Mains Chemistry

For any engineering aspirant, JEE Main is the most important exam. It serves as a stepping stone to India’s top-tier colleges, the IITs and NITs. This is why, despite the limited number of seats, approximately 11 lakh candidates sit the exam each year. Chemistry is the most scoring subject among the three portions of the […]

Biological Decomposition of Oil Raw Sludge

biological decomposition of oil sludge

The list of the types of oil raw sludge includes off-grade oily or hydrocarbon-bearing mixtures. The main sources of oil raw sludge are: Oil polluted priming coats of sectional and other industrial slots. Priming coats soaked with oil after oil pipeline accidents. Ground precipitation in oil-collecting reservoirs. Hard or liquid wastes from oil-processing oil-chemical industries. […]

An Educational Trip to the Sea Aquarium: Best Trips of All Season

tips on how to find sea aquarium

The best trips of all season are the ones that are both educational and fun. A trip to the sea aquarium is the perfect example of this. Not only will you get to see some of the most amazing creatures on the planet up close, but you’ll also learn about their habitats and how they […]

Singapore Math: Changing The Way We Solve Problems


American’s aptitude for mathematics isn’t adding up. In actuality, our country is falling way behind. According to The Program for International Student Assessment, the United States ranks 37th in mathematical performance compared to other countries across the globe. Conversely, Asia not only holds the top seven spots, but their educators have also paved the way […]

Finding The Perfect Lab Table

perfect lab table

If you’re in the market for a new lab table, you may be wondering how to find the perfect one. With so many different options available, it can be hard to know where to start. Insurance rates for semi trucks are high, so it’s important to find a table that is both sturdy and affordable. […]

Policies on Science and Technology in the Context of National Economic Reform


In the latter part of the 20th century, it was President John F. Kennedy who accepted the challenge of developing a national strategy with a primary emphasis on scientific research and technological development. The path that the United States of America chose back then catapulted the country into the modern space era. Man is no […]

Is Drinking Rainwater Dangerous for Health?


Is drinking rainwater dangerous for human health? The short answer: in some cases. Below are details on the kind of rainwater you can drink and not drink, as well as the things that can be done to make rainwater safer for consumption. Rainwater You Should Avoid Drinking Each drop of rain passes the atmosphere before […]

How Weather Affects Solar Panels?


Solar panels are an inevitable roof addition to install in order to cut electricity costs and contribute to the environment. Technology has became so advanced that panels nowadays can be almost unnoticeable or become a unique addition to your roofing system. More and more people decide to put them on their property motivated by all […]

The Promise of Green Energy Technologies

small hydro power

Green energy technologies have brought many improvements and opened up numerous possibilities, enabling small businesses and households to generate their own power and even make profit, all the while preserving the environment. But just like all other technologies, they too have their drawbacks. Green energy technologies rely on generating electricity using renewable resources, such as […]

Everything You Need to Know About Climate Variability

climate change glaciers

Earth’s climate has always been affected by a range of natural factors. It is known to have changed significantly during recorded history, even before gaseous emissions from human activity could have posed any significant threat to atmospheric or climatic conditions. Natural climate variability can arise from natural forcing mechanism which includes both internal oscillations and […]

3 Equipment for Every Biomedical Lab

Essential Equipment for Biomedical Lab

If you’re currently preparing for your biology exams and you are considering a career in biomedicine, you might be keen on working in a laboratory when you qualify. Whether you choose to work in a medical lab or a research lab, you will need to work with a range of equipment to prepare, process, and […]

Cold Sores and Canker Sores: The Differences and Treatments


Cold sores and cranker sores are common ailments. In Germany, for example, around 78 percent of people have experienced a flare up associated with the herpes simplex virus one (HSV1), which causes cold sores. Both cold sores and cranker sores appear near the mouth, but they are definitely not the same condition. And knowing the […]

The Implication of Ocean Acidification on Marine Life

what is ocean acidification

There is a forlorn hope that spraying 7 billion tonnes per year of fossil carbon (in the form of carbon dioxide) from the combustion of coal, oil and gas into the atmosphere will have little impact on the chemical structure of the atmosphere and the oceans. Sadly, this is not the case. Since the industrial […]

Passive Solar Design: Green Energy For Air Conditioning and Heating


Passive solar design is a method to collect solar energy using windows, walls, floors etc. and distribute it to the room during winters to maintain considerably high temperature than outside or reject it to maintain inside temperature considerably cool during summer thus providing a natural air-conditioning system. The system does not require any mechanical or […]

Role of Chemical Pollution in Disease Proliferation


While the effects of chemical pollution on human health are poorly defined, its contribution to the global burden of disease is almost certainly underestimated. Diseases caused by pollution were responsible for an estimated 9 million premature deaths in 2015—16% of all deaths worldwide, which is three times more deaths than from AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria […]

The Difference Between the Most Popular Types of Radiation Detectors

Scintillation detector

To measure radiation, people use different varieties of detectors. Some devices are better suited for professionals. Others are popular among the general public: they are sold at an affordable price and even a newbie will understand how to use them in just a couple of minutes. Radiation detectors differ by the environment that they can […]

How To Prepare For Class 12th Biology Exam

phd student stress

Biology is a simple yet complex subject and that is because it can only be mastered with a good preparation strategy. It is mostly a theoretical subject and requires a thorough understanding of important things. If anyone’s aiming to crack exams like NEET, paying attention to this subject becomes even more important. As such, if […]

What are Finite and Infinite Sets

Difference Between Finite And Infinite Sets

Sets are indeed an important method of representation of a group of data that satisfies a particular condition. Sets are categorised into two categories, i.e., finite and infinite sets. The word finite stands for something that can be counted, and infinite means something that is uncountable. The properties and graphical representations of both finite and […]

Types of Matrices: Classifications and Examples Explained

matrices types

There are numerous matrices used in linear algebra. The different matrices can be different based on their element or order and a certain range of conditions. The term “Matrices” is the plural name for a matrix and is not the most commonly used to describe “matrices”. In this article, we’ll discover the most commonly utilised […]

How to Treat Industrial Wastewater without Chemicals?


According to The United Nations World Water Development Report 2017, the volumes of industrial wastewater could double by 2025, while the market for wastewater treatment technologies is also predicted to grow as much by 2020. This shouldn’t be a surprise since wastewater can present an opportunity for cost saving and reducing water dependency when managed […]

History of Atoms: Discovery of Protons and Neutrons

History of Atoms

Atoms make up practically everything in the world, and atoms are made of protons, neutrons and electrons. Due to this, in order to understand items in greater depth, a more thorough understanding of protons and neutrons is crucial. Here, the discovery of proton and neutron components of an atom has been focused on. The Discovery […]

All You Need to Know About Identifying Metals and Non-Metals

identifying Metals and Non-Metals

Various types of material present around are elements and compounds. Metals and Non-metals are the results if elements are further divided. The properties between a metal and a non-metal help in distinguishing between the two. 92 elements in total are found naturally, and 70 are metals, and 22 are non-metals. The arrangement of elements in […]

Important Vector Questions for NEET

Vector Questions for NEET

The Vector’s important questions will aid in your preparation for the upcoming NEET exams. Important problems for Scalars and Vectors Physics, as well as all other chapters, based on the CBSE syllabus and pattern are available. To evaluate your grasp of essential subjects in the chapters, practice the multiple-choice problems. Following the revised test format, […]

An Introduction to Greenhouse Gases


Greenhouse gases are generally any gas molecules or compounds in the atmosphere which interact with outgoing infrared radiation from the sun and thus contribute to the Greenhouse Effect by warming the atmosphere. The major constituents of the atmosphere such as nitrogen (N2) and oxygen (O2) do not interact with infrared radiation and, thus are not […]

Why 1.5 Degrees Matters for the Developing World


The world cannot achieve the sustainable development goals pledged for in 2016 by going higher than 1.5°C.  Currently we are 1.1 degree C above pre-industrial era.  Many countries are facing the effects of the rise in global temperatures. The increase of global temperature by  1.5 Degrees will have major adverse effects on least developed countries […]

Our Health Is Our Greatest Wealth


In partnership with Elysium Health, we wish to highlight the importance of good health. In order to live a fulfilling life, there are certain desires that we all have. We want to be able to have a happy family life, we want to avoid poverty, and we want to be able to have good health. […]