Waste Management in Britain: Interesting Facts

rubbish clearance uk

On an average, each one of UK’s households produces one tonne of rubbish per year. Nationally, a total of 31 million tonnes of waste is produced annually. Tesco generated 46,684 tons of food waste in 2016-2017. Reliable statistics clearly reveal that Britain’s mountain of waste can fill the nation’s largest lake, Lake Windermere in just eight […]

My Date with COP23

nouhad awwad

COP23 was held in Bonn, Germany at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) headquarters. COP23 was my third consecutive conference and I was on a party badge in COP21 and COP22. This time I was an observer and YOUNGO (youth representative) focal point for 2017. Every COP is different, and each has […]

5 Eco-Friendly Projects for College Students

recycling station

Living a green life is not about adjusting a few behaviors; it is a total hauling of your lifestyle to make clean decisions that are sustainable and more environmentally friendly. As an eco-friendly college student, there are so many projects you can do to have fun and generate awareness on this topic. Going “green” has […]

10 Ways to Conserve Freshwater and Reduce Water Wastage

water footprint

In many countries, people struggle to access clean water for drinking. As such, governments and organizations across the world are increasingly aware of environmental conservation efforts focusing on saving freshwater supplies. In effect, many people and countries are trying to minimize water used in homes and are looking for ways to utilize a readily renewable […]

The Benefits of Solar Panel Systems for Heat Pumps

heat pump powered by solar panel

As the world shifts toward sustainable energy solutions, the combination of solar panel systems and heat pumps has emerged as an innovative and eco-friendly approach to heating and cooling homes. This synergy offers numerous advantages, making it a smart investment for homeowners and businesses alike. Below, we explore the benefits of integrating a solar panel […]

7 Eco-Friendly Gadgets You Should Have in Your Bag

reusable silicone bags

Have you thought much about how you’ve been living your life in terms of your impact to the environment? When so many people have started living a more eco-friendly lifestyle, perhaps you should do so too. It’s more than just joining a trend; it’s about becoming a more responsible citizen to the planet you live […]

Why Electric Scooters Are The Future And How Do They Actually Work?

benefits of electric scooter

As more people are buying cars and motorbikes, the problem of traffic jams is increasing drastically. Not to mention the fact that fossil-fuel powered rides are changing our climate as well. The only way to change our unfortunate future is moving to electric vehicles. The mechanism of electric scooter is simple. The electric motor uses […]

5 Green Money-Saving Tips For One and All

eco-friendly money saving tips

Going green requires knowing a laundry-list of different ways to save the planet. Many people, however, find that these eco-solutions are much too impractical to implement for the resources they have available. Sustainably produced personal care products are amazing for the planet, but not a good option for those saving the pennies. Organic foods are […]

Aiming for Zero Waste in Your Daily Routines


It is no doubt that the COVID-19 pandemic impacted the world badly. Jobs were lost, commerce was limited, so many people have lost their lives. But if we look at it from another perspective, there had been positive outcomes. We can’t say that it balances the negative because they are different concerns. One positive outcome […]

5 Reasons Why Businesses Should Use Compostable Packaging

benefits of compostable packaging for businesses

Yes, we are living in an age of environmental enlightenment; a ‘Make Do and Mend’ renaissance, if you may. Every day, people are banding together with influential figures, mighty governments, philanthropic investors, and prominent blue-chip companies to create a resource-saving, waste-reducing, and planet preserving green revolution. And yes, this is an uprising that persists and […]

5 Home Recycling Tips to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint


The world is in the midst of a climate crisis due to the escalating carbon footprints. The UN forewarns that by 2040, this lovely planet may start experiencing severe drought, wildfires, and flooding should humankind not take charge. However, reducing carbon footprint is a tasking process you cannot wake up to and achieve overnight. Sustainability […]

What are the Different Solar Light Configurations

Different Solar Street Light Configurations

Lights consume a lot of energy, which add up to our electricity bill. Because of this a lot of us are trying to find better alternatives that can help lessen the bills and also be eco-friendly at that. Solar Lights are great options if you want to save power, and this article will help you […]

Global Warming and the Common Man


Everybody is worried about climate change. It’s just that a fair proportion is convinced it is a natural phenomenon, nothing to do with human activities. When a significant number of individuals see global warming this way a lot of energy can go out of the window in arguing over who is right – energy that […]

10 Natural Building Materials to Build Homes


Long before modern construction, before human-made materials and before manufacturing, our ancestors managed to built shelters from the natural materials surrounding them. Today, modern building mainly relies on manufactured materials to construct modern homes. But this has caused a significant adverse impact on the environment over the years. For this very reason, humankind is trying […]

5 Eco-Friendly Ways to Remodel Your Home

green home remodel

Remodeling your home might be on your to-do list but if you’re environmentally conscious then you might be wondering whether or not a remodel is good for the environment. Not to worry! Here are 5 eco-friendly ways to remodel your home. 1. Replace Your Lawn One of the most eco-friendly home improvements you can make […]

Eco-Friendly Clothing Brands and Why You Should be Wearing Them

green clothing

With documentaries such as “The True Cost” that reveal how the fast fashion industry is polluting the planet and using cheap ‘slave’ labor to maximise profits, it’s little surprise that many of us are concerned. And we should be. The fashion industry accounts for 10 percent of the world’s carbon emissions, and sends pollution down […]

6 Ways Climate Change is Affecting Outdoor Recreation


When it comes to the importance of climate change, we often give little attention to how it impacts our recreational time. How will the effects of global warming change what we do outdoors.? While the impacts of climate change on outdoor recreation are less pressing than others — such as property damage and food shortages […]

How Should I Dispose of My E-Waste in Toronto?


Jeff Bezos recently announced his decision to formally step down from his role in Amazon. One of the things the tech guru plans to do is pay attention to global warming issues. Why do you think people like him are very passionate about the environment? One of the reasons is because everyone is implicated once […]

5 Easy Ways To Save the Planet

saving the planet

The fact that climate change is an ever growing, man-made risk is shockingly still a divisive debate among the general public, with most people unable to grasp the severity of the situation and how they’re contributing to it. They don’t realize that 2016 was the hottest year recorded since 1880, that sea levels are rising […]

5 Tips to Make your Business Ecofriendly


The thick and toxic smog that hangs over highly populated cities has been linked to dementia and causes thousands of premature deaths in the UK every year. It’s clearly a major issue that requires a lot of key players working together for a solution. Not least of these is the big, bad world of business, […]

5 Simple Steps to Make Pencils from Waste Paper

recycling of paper waste

Paper industry is considered as one of the world’s largest consumers of fossil fuels and biggest industrial polluter. The industry is criticized by environmental groups for being responsible for massive deforestation around the world. With the use of modern technology such as the printing press and the highly mechanised harvesting of wood, paper has become […]

Everything You Should Know About Biomass Energy


Biomass is the material derived from plants that use sunlight to grow which include plant and animal material such as wood from forests, material left over from agricultural and forestry processes, and organic industrial, human and animal wastes. In nature, if biomass is left lying around on the ground it will break down over a […]

The Dangerous Impacts of Healthcare Wastes


There has been a growing awareness of the need for safe management of healthcare waste all over the world. Healthcare wastes which pose the greatest risk to human health are infectious waste which constitutes 15 – 25 percent of total healthcare waste. Infectious healthcare wastes may include all waste items that are contaminated with or […]

The Environmental Impacts Of Globalization


Globalization was meant to change the world– and it did. The founding idea of globalization is that no country should be restricted to their own borders; that the world is part of a large community rather than restricted to small countries. Globalization aimed to take borders down, to unite everyone, to make us all citizens […]

Top Ways to Reduce Wastewater Generation


Freshwater is one of the most precious resources on earth. Everyone can take benefit from its preservation. There are many ways in which we can reduce its wastage. There are many inefficiencies that we need to overcome to ensure that we intelligently use this rare source of life. Wastewater generation is increasing at an astonishing […]

How Climate Change is Threatening the Existence of Penguins?


The Antarctic Peninsula is among the region that is warming the fastest and the melting of its glaciers is contributing to global sea level rise. The climate change is threatening the existence of one of the most popular symbols of Antarctica – the penguin. The environmental conservation group WWF has warned that rising temperatures and […]

Making Your Children Environmentally Smart


We all have the capacity to learn new ideas and different ways of thinking but there is little doubt that we are most receptive to change when we are still children. Teaching your children how to be environmentally smart involves an element of education and leading by example, and the end result if we all […]

A Glance at Top 10 Eco-Friendly School Projects


As a responsible citizen, student or parent, it is your duty to do all you can within your power to protect the environment. And what is the most popular way to get your voices heard than your school? As a student, it is highly likely that environmentally-friendly projects, which can also be classified as science […]

Everything You Need to Know About Carbon Offsetting Your Flights

carbon offsetting flights

In 2017 alone, airlines in the United States carried more passengers than ever before — a whopping 849.3 million travelers. Though flying is more popular than ever, there is a problem. Passengers who fly frequently are increasing their carbon footprint. Flying takes a lot of manpower and fuel, and isn’t great for the environment. You […]

Ecotourism: Outlook for Jordan

wadi rum

Ecotourism in Jordan is witnessing a multi-dimensional evolution from pure economic opportunities to a wider industry that embraces environmental and community-based development as core elements. Responding to the local, regional and international traveler’s preference, ecotourism provides a perfect platform for responsible sustainable businesses to utilize green investment and community empowerment in creating niche services and […]

The Scourge of Plastic Wastes

plastic waste

In just over 30 years, scientists predict there will be more pounds of plastic in the ocean than there will be pounds of fish. Marine life is dying at an alarming rate after being assaulted by plastic in the oceans. Just last week a whale beached and died in Southern Thailand, and a necropsy revealed […]

8 Ways for Going Green In Your Everyday Life


The big concern of our lifetime is the environment. Everything else is mumbo-jumbo in comparison because, without a habitable world, nothing else can exist. Forget politics, economics, business, social structuring, anthropology; everything falls short in comparison to the importance of the environment. With billions of people now living on this earth, it is more important […]

The Importance of Green Energy for Singapore


Singapore is a small country in terms of size and resources for generating energy. For instance, Singapore lacks fast-flowing rivers to harness hydroelectric power. Similarly, Singapore has wind speeds of about 2m/s, which is below the 4.5m/s required to operate commercial wind turbines. The country’s limited renewable energy options have forced Singapore to import almost […]

A Room By Room Guide To Having An Eco-Friendly Home

ecofriendly home

We all need to do our bit to protect the environment, and by visiting our website, you will pick up a lot of ideas on how you can go green. This includes going eco-friendly at home. From practical everyday habits to home renovations, you can save money while saving the world. In this room-by-room guide, […]

7 Ways Businesses Are Paying More Attention to the Environment


Profits and the planet: can they be friends? This question has fazed and puzzled many minds, but we believe that it should not be one or the other. There is a win-win option. In the past, environmental responsibility was synonymous with sacrifice and the loss of revenue. However, modern businesses are usually interested in profit […]

A Guide to Planning and Executing Sustainable Group Travel Adventures

Sustainable Group Travel Adventures

Group travel adventures are an exhilarating prospect, but the impact on the environment and local communities cannot be ignored. Responsible and sustainable travel practices are essential for preserving the beauty of our planet. In this guide, we aim to help you plan and execute group travel adventures with a focus on sustainability. This ensures memorable […]

How Environmentally-Friendly Policies Can Improve Mental Health

tips to practise self love

The consumerist, throwaway culture of a globalized world has caused some extreme damage to the environment. From destroying natural habitats to an increase in extreme weather, the health risks to both humans and animals are well documented. However, there has been less research into the psychological effect of environmental degradation. India’s spiritual reputation is at risk […]

Sustainable Home Cleaning Tips

sustainable home cleaning techniques

Sustainability is a buzzword in the 21st century for all the right reasons. Humans are collectively more conscious of their environmental impact due to their daily activities. At the individual level, a growing transformation towards a greener and environmentally responsible lifestyle aligns with the overall sustainability goals. Home cleaning has been integrated into this new […]

How to Cover the Environmental Protection Issue in Essays

environment protection issue

Writing about environmental protection is both a privilege and a responsibility. It’s a topic that touches every corner of the globe, affecting us all in myriad ways. As such, crafting an essay on this subject requires a thoughtful approach that educates, persuades, and motivates your audience to think and act differently about the world around […]

Growing Green: Eco-Friendly Practices in Modern Gardening

ecofriendly garden

Imagine a prosperous garden, teeming with life, the flowers and fruit of nature, and the bee hum and butterfly dance. This sounds quite picturesque, doesn’t it? This is not only an idle daydream but a tangible outcome that arises from embracing environmentally conscious gardening practices. In this article, we’ll explore the vibrant world of environmentally […]

The Evolution of International Environmental Law


Protection of environment has become a major part of international law. International environmental law is developed between sovereign states to develop standards at the international level and provide obligation for state including their behaviour in international environmental matters. What is International Law International law is created by collective actions of nearly 200 countries around the […]

How Eco-Friendly Companies Have Publicized Their Breakthroughs?


If you want to publicize your eco-friendly breakthroughs in your industry, it can be difficult. After all, the world is more competitive than ever before. Plus, if you are an eco-friendly company, you want to do it in a way that doesn’t use more resources than you need. Therefore, you need a good strategy. Here […]

7 Business Ideas for Green Entrepreneurs


Today’s consumers are aware that their choices impact the environment and are ready to take steps to mitigate such effects. For example, a recent survey discovered that about three-quarters of millennials would pay extra for sustainable goods. This feeling cuts all age groups, showing there is a big market for sustainable products. Furthermore, engaging in […]

How Franking Machines Contribute to Sustainable Business Practices

environmental benefits of franking machines

In today’s fast-paced business world, sustainability has moved from being a mere buzzword to a critical operational imperative. As companies grapple with their environmental responsibilities, the adoption of greener practices has become paramount in shaping their public image and operational ethos. Amidst the diverse strategies to achieve sustainability, the role of technological innovations is often […]

What Does Islam Teach About Environmental Protection


Environment protection is an important aspect of Islam. Being stewards of the Earth, it is the responsibility of Muslims to care for the environment in a proactive manner. There is a definite purpose behind the creation of different species, be it plants or animals. Protection of the environment is essential to Islamic beliefs and mankind has […]

Simple Ways to Make Your Home Eco-Friendly


Recently, we discussed 5 green cities around the world. By learning more about successful green cities and programs in major cities, other cities can begin adopting similar practices to help make our planet healthy for generations to come.  One of the best places to start to have an impact on the environment is in your […]

The Why and How of Recycling


If you want to reduce your carbon footprint in a way that can instantly benefit our planet, you should look into recycling. Thanks to increased awareness, we’re now recycling more than ever. If you’re wondering why and how to recycle, this article is for you. Why you should recycle? Recycling is so important because of […]

How Design is Making the World More Sustainable


It is fair to say a growing number of companies are becoming aware of the need to understand and implement sustainability. But once you get to that point, how do you implement it? How do you turn dreams into tangible, measurable reality? On my recent trip to New Zealand it became clear that finding ways […]

Plastic Buildup in Our Oceans


From food storage to furniture—we use plastic for everything. In 2008 alone 245 million tons of plastic were produced. These plastics often find there way into our waterways. Every year 6.4 million tons are dumped into the ocean. Many marine wildlife are injured or killed from plastic consumption. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is a collection […]

Environmental Footprint of the Sochi Olympics

environmental impact of sochi olympics

The Winter Olympics in Sochi is notorious for various controversies and scandals involving corruption and environmental violations. Gay rights activists discourage people from attending the event, whereas environmental activists highlight the fact that the country is destroying the nature of the region to build the ambitious Olympic projects. Local residents have suffered through rounds of […]

The Link Between Natural Disasters and Economic Damage


The link between natural disasters and economic damage has always been widely studied, although modern observations have highlighted the changing nature of this relationship. More specifically, recent reports have suggested that the advent of climate change has driven a significant increase in the intensity (and frequency) of natural disasters, while simultaneously causing more pronounced economic […]

Saving the Planet, One Innovation at a Time


If you want to trust everything you see on the news, read in the papers or online then you will either believe that the world is dying and there is nothing we can do about it, or that there is nothing wrong with our planet and it will live forever. Regardless of your stance, recycling […]

What Are the Different Types of Solar Energy?


Solar energy is a rapidly growing alternative energy source that harnesses the power of the sun to produce electricity or heat. There are various types of solar energy systems, each with its own unique technology and applications. In this section, we will take a closer look at the different types of solar energy, including solar […]

Common Air Pollutants and Their Impact on Public Health


The importance of physical health is no secret. Incorporating a regimented exercise routine, staying away from smoking and secondhand smoke, taking a daily vitamin, and bundling up when cold are all common ways to maintain our health. We can control many aspects of our health, but the effects of air pollution are harder to combat, […]

Junk-Free Living: Discover the Wonders of Local Hauling

Benefits of choosing local hauling services

In an age where sustainability is not just a choice but a necessity, “junk-free living” emerges as a transformative lifestyle. Embracing this approach means actively reducing waste, decluttering lives, and making environmentally conscious decisions. A crucial aspect of achieving this is finding effective ways to manage and dispose of unwanted items. This is where local […]

3 Reasons Why Environmentally Friendly Corporations Are Thriving


Environmental friendliness in corporations has been on the rise for several decades. Due to the massive pollution that has overtaken our planet since the Industrial Revolution, environmental activists have become more and more demanding of environmentally friendly systems for both corporations and our governments alike.   Sustaining our planet is sustaining ourselves. Environmentally friendly corporations […]

The Top 5 Benefits of Going Green


Despite warnings about global warming and the effect our actions have on the environment, many people still refuse to go green! Why? Perhaps it’s laziness. Why go through the hassle of recycling when you can throw everything into one garbage bag? Some people may refuse to accept scientific reports about climate change and pollution, or […]

10 Simple Ways to Go Green on a Budget: The Beginners Guide

outdoor hobby for kids

Climate change is a problem we are all collectively facing. That is why the green style of living has been growing in popularity. On the contrary to popular belief, going green doesn’t make our lives more expensive. Sometimes, going green can even save us more money. In this article, Tutor Hunt has picked out some […]

Everything You Need to Know About Electric Aircrafts


Electrically-powered aircraft is an interesting concept, having a long history and a bright future. Electric aircrafts are able to carry people relatively long distances, without burning any fossil fuel, and they are able to do so silently. These types of aircraft can be powered by batteries, and there have been several designs that are able […]

4 Ways Businesses Are Going Green


There are a lot of priorities that modern businesses need to have these days. For a lot of businesses, success hinges on their ability to balance these different priorities as effectively as possible. This can often be something of a challenge because it forces them to think about what it is that they consider to […]

18 Top Environmental Agreements of the 20th Century


The international environmental agreements negotiated in the 20th century reflect commonality of global interests in maintaining the robustness and integrity of our planet and set up procedures through monitoring the health of environment and provide benefits to all parties. Following are some of the major environmental treaties, conventions and protocols that have been negotiated in […]

The Benefits of Switching to Reusable Water Bottles

reusable water bottles

How would you like an extra $1,800 a year? That’s how much you could save by using a reusable water bottle instead of buying disposable ones for the recommended amount of eight glasses of water a day. Though that is a great benefit, the advantages to the environment and your health are even better. For […]

OneLessStraw Pledge Campaign


In October of 2016, One More Generation founders Olivia (14) and her brother Carter (15.5) launched their global OneLessStraw Pledge Campaign in an effort to help clean up our environment and educate people on the harms of using single use plastic straws. Some interesting facts: Did you know that in America, we are using an […]

Green Computing: Sustainable Strategies for Eco-Friendly Tech Usage

eco friendly tech environment 1

In our technologically driven age, the rapid pace of innovation often eclipses environmental sustainability considerations. However, as we become increasingly aware of our planet’s fragile state, the convergence of technology and sustainability is no longer just desirable—it’s imperative. From the intricacies of cloud computing and software optimization to the tangible practices of recycling and repair, […]

New Delhi’s Tryst with Rubbish

landfill delhi

Have you seen the several storeys high landfill in Delhi at its border with Uttar Pradesh – Gazipur, a prime land! It’s a mountain of garbage now. How does the garbage reach the landfill and what will happen when this place is all filled up? Does our food waste also contribute to our garbage mountains? May be we all […]

Ultimate Guide to Sustainable Groundwater Remediation


While there are some fundamental commonalities in the earth’s soil, like the existence of clay or sand in parts of it, groundwater systems around the world are incredibly diverse. Accordingly, remediation treatments available are just as different as the groundwater systems that exist. Region and location play a massive role on the pervasiveness of certain […]

Making A Cleaner Impact: Moral Business Methods


We’re living in uncertain times. Given the political and economical state of the world, it’s becoming trickier and trickier for businesses to separate right from wrong. There are so many rings through which you must jump and so many policies with which you must keep up to date. Of course, it’s becoming clearer and clearer […]

Promoting Environmental Awareness through Environmental Media: A Project in Palestine

IMG 1974

Palestine has a full membership in the UNFCCC and has recently signed Paris Agreement on climate change along with many other countries. This requires Palestine and its Environmental Quality Authority (EQA) to implement the agreements and conventions of UNFCCC on climate change and other environmental issues. In the coming few years, Palestine needs support to […]

Why You Should Not Use Plastic Bags?


Plastic bags are one of the most objectionable types of trash n urban areas. The sheer volume of plastic waste generated coupled with energy and material resources required for production, as well as emissions resulting from these processes paint a grim picture of the environmental havoc created by plastic bags. Plastic bags are a huge […]

7 Top Ways To Adopt An Eco-Friendly Business Model


Making the switch to an eco-friendly business model could be one of the best things you do. Not only does it make your business more attractive to people who are looking for eco-friendly businesses to work with, it will help you to save money and reduce your impact on the planet. There are all kinds […]

8 Things You Can Do To Help The Environment Now

things you can do for environment protection

Being green doesn’t have to be hard – but sometimes it takes a bit of thought and the breaking of a few bad habits. Here are 8 ways you can start helping the environment right now. 1. Don’t recycle everything We’re always told to recycle everything we can – but the truth is, over-zealous recycling […]

Waste Crisis in Lebanon

waste management lebanon

Solid waste management in Lebanon has been hogging limelight globally in recent years. Unfortunately, Lebanon is struggling to solve the waste crisis with no permanent solution in sight.  The organic content in Lebanese MSW is around 50-55% which makes it a well-suited for composting and anaerobic digestion. Recyclables content is also good, though recycling is […]

Smart Cities Have To Be Clean Cities


Our cities are becoming smart cities every day, but unless our cities are clean and litter-free, we are going to face massive problems. Globally there are over 1.5 Billion Unsecured wheelie bins, these bins are massively concentrated in cities. Wheelie bins are a prominent cause behind litter pollution and are responsible for many environmental and […]

Towards a More Environmentally-Friendly Drug Industry

Why Pharma Companies Need to Measure Humidity Levels

Medicines are one of the greatest advancements of modern medicine and healthcare in the last century. Without over-the-counter pain meds, people would still be drilling holes in their skull to relieve a headache, or allowing a leech to suck on their arm for pain from an unknown condition. Medicine has helped the healthcare industry to provide a […]

What Are The Different EV Charging Levels?

different charging levels of an EV

Generally, people thinking of switching to electric vehicles have many doubts regarding them, especially about the complex terminology associated with them. The charging level is one of the prime concerns for potential users. There are three charging levels when it comes to EV charging. Ease of charging is one of the major perks of electric […]

Climate Change Contrarians – A Compendium

Global Warming

Everyone is concerned about global warming and climate change, one of today’s hottest topics. Just looking up these terms in any search engine will turn millions of results. It is a topic growing in importance and it is the duty of every global citizen to understand this phenomenon. There is a consensus among 97% of […]

The Best Solar Generators for Remote Work and Digital Nomads

features of a solar generator

In today’s rapidly advancing digital age, remote work and digital nomadism have become increasingly popular. People are embracing the freedom of working from anywhere, and to support this lifestyle, reliable and portable power sources are essential. Solar generators offer an excellent solution for those seeking sustainable and renewable energy options. In this article, we will […]

Things to Know About the Management of Electronic Wastes

cellphone signal booster

Electronic waste is the fastest growing waste stream, and its disposal is a major environmental concern in all parts of the world, especially developing countries. More than 50 million tons of e-waste is generated every year with major fraction finding its way to landfills and dumpsites. In rich countries, e-waste comprises as much as 8% […]

Reaffirming Singapore Net Zero Commitment with Transition Finance

Singapore Net Zero Commitment

Singapore contributes to achieving a sustainable future by taking strong actions against global challenges like climate change. Singapore has set a goal of attaining net-zero emissions of greenhouse gases by 2050. To show Singapore’s deep commitment to environmental consciousness and sustainability, one can participate in the Green Plan and help it realise its long-term objective […]

Why is it Important to Have a Sustainability Program in the Workplace?


Being sustainable means being able to meet your own needs without eroding the ability of future generations to meet theirs. At the workplace, sustainability means supporting long-term ecological balance, efficient energy use, resource conservation, and waste reduction. These and other sustainable practices at work have become big in recent years. There’s a global shift towards […]

How to Encourage Others to Care for the Environment


Living an eco-friendly lifestyle can give you a great sense of pride and well-being. But what if this isn’t enough? Seeing other people carry on with their non-eco-friendly methods can be hard to ignore. But nobody wants to be that irritating person forcing their views onto other people. We should know how to encourage others […]

Negative Effects of Industrialization


When exploration of crude oil, coal mining occurs and burning of fossil fuels there is an increase in atmospheric carbon which is higher than natural sedimentation of Carbon as observed in industrialized nations.  In the last two and a half centuries, the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere has increased by one third. Ecosystems which were a […]

10 Tips for Running Successful Commercial EV Charging Stations

How to Run a Successful Commercial EV Charging Station

The demand for electric vehicles (EVs) is rising as the world becomes more environmentally conscious. With this comes a need for accessible and reliable charging stations. As a business owner, you have the opportunity to meet this need by installing commercial EV charging stations. However, it can be a daunting task to navigate the technical […]

5 Unique Ways to Teach Waste Management to Your Child


Global temperatures are rising and pollution levels are on an increase across the world. It has been estimated that 1.2 trillion gallons of untreated sewage is dumped into the ocean each year. These alarming levels of pollution put our future generations at severe risk. In fact, pollution is one of the biggest global killers that […]

4 Top Benefits of Using Junk Removal Services


Finding the time to eliminate junk in your home can be tough. This is particularly the case when you’ve got to sort through it all, haul it someplace, and get it to a recycling facility or a landfill.  It’s also a hassle in case you’re like most people and don’t have a clue just what’s […]

Essential Guidelines for Choosing Eco-Friendly Home Appliances


When it comes to choosing your home appliances, choosing ones that are less hazardous to the environment is more important than ever. Energy-efficient household appliances may not only save you money on your monthly energy bills, but they can also help you reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to global health. We will lead you […]

How Businesses Can Focus on Clean Tech

tips for businesses to focus on clean tech

Consumers are more interested in sustainable products than ever before, and this is a great chance for entrepreneurs to innovate. However, it can also feel daunting to figure out exactly how to take advantage of this because of the challenges. The good news is that there are ways to improve upon current opportunities to make […]

6 Green Practices for the Construction Industry


A greater public awareness of the environmental impact of the construction industry and a growing sense of protecting our natural resources are the key reasons for the clamor to raise environmental standards, regulations and best practices in the construction industry. Because of this, companies involved in any type of construction, whether it is for a […]

The Pursuit of New Wind Turbine Technology

wind farm

The demand for renewable energy has outstripped our technology’s ability to provide it. The introduction of battery storage has greatly boosted the ability of renewable technologies to provide a steady and predictable supply of electricity, but lithium batteries are not a long-term solution. Current wind turbine technology isn’t a long-term solution, either. With wind power […]

Choosing The Right Eco-Friendly Food Packaging For Your Business

choosing the right eco-friendly food packaging

Do you want to do your part for the environment but don’t know where to start? Look no further than your own business! With so many different types of eco-friendly food packaging options on the market, it can be tough to decide which one is right for you. In this article, we’ll discuss how to […]

The Best Electric Cars of 2023

best electric cars in 2023

The automotive industry is rapidly evolving, and electric cars are leading the way in this transformation. In the coming years, the demand for electric cars is expected to increase significantly due to their eco-friendliness and improved technology. In this article, we will focus on the best electric cars of 2023, particularly those made by European […]

5 Algae Innovations for Environment Protection


Sustainability in the construction sector is a focus that needs to be made a priority in order to make a realistic transition to a low-carbon economy. Algae-powered Innovations is one such solution that can significantly benefit our environment and preserve our fast-depleting natural resources. As a source of power that is both viable and ethically […]

Introduction to Environmental Product Labelling

environmental labelling

Environmental product labelling is a way to promote consumer behaviour and sustainable development, as identified by Agenda 21 of Rio Earth Summit in 1992.  This has not only led to internalization of environmental impacts and the issues associated with products and their manufacturing processes but also influenced consumption behaviour of the people. As a result, rapid […]

The Technology Behind Electric Cars And How They Work


Electric cars are becoming increasingly popular, as they offer a more environmentally friendly option for transportation. But have you ever wondered how electric cars work? In this article, we’ll dive into the technology behind electric cars and explore how they function. Additionally, we’ll also take a look at the Polestar 2, a popular electric car […]

Lebanon Climate Act

lebanon climate act

Lebanon Climate Act is being organized in line with its INDC, country’s climate change engagement at COP21. Lebanon’s INDC is the Intended Nationally Determined Contribution where Lebanon has publicly outlined what climate actions it intends to take under a new international agreement by 2030, and has mainly set a target of 15% CO2 emissions reduction […]

Everything You Should Know About Materials Recovery Facility


We separate recyclables from trash. We take our containers out to the curb on collection day. Trucks empty them and drive off. We retrieve the containers until the next collection day. Did you ever wonder what happens next? To find out, I toured the recycling plant in Greensboro, North Carolina and interviewed the city’s recycling […]

5 Tips On How To Make Your Home Green

renewable energy homes

We all want to help the planet in any way possible. The problem? Many of us are lazy and think that making any amount of serious, positive change to our environment is time-consuming, expensive and altogether difficult. However, we couldn’t be more wrong. There are countless ways to give your home a more green environment. […]

This Is How We Can Make Healthcare More Sustainable

healthcare waste management

These days, we all know just how important it is to try and lead eco-friendly and green lives. There have been countless campaigns ran by various organizations to try and persuade families to choose the environmentally friendly options. You know the kinds of things that help us lead eco-friendly lives; things such as choosing an […]

How Pollution is Killing the Oceans?


Since the beginning of time, the ocean has been regarded as boundless and untouchable by human activity. Because of its colossal size and depth, attempts at understanding the oceans are laden with difficulties. However, it has now become apparent that the ocean, despite its immense magnitude, can drastically be changed by daily activities of human […]

The Environmental Benefits of Portable Sanitation

how portable sanitation can help the environment

Portable sanitation isn’t just a way to meet legal requirements for certain types of gatherings and projects or a convenience for your employees and guests. It is actually an environment-friendly investment, as well. Let’s explore the environmental benefits of portable sanitation. We’ll provide practical examples of how these products help the environment locally and globally. […]

Significance of Solid Waste Management

waste dump

Some countries have achieved considerable success in solid waste management. But the rest of the world is grappling to deal with its wastes. In these places, improper solid waste management continues to impact public health of entire communities and cities; pollute local water, air and land resources; contribute to climate change and ocean plastic pollution; […]

Waste to Energy: Biomass Charcoal Briquette Machine in Nigeria

advantages of biomass charcoal briquette

Biomass charcoal is a fuel produced by the carbonization of biomass material. Biomass charcoal briquettes are winning the fuel energy market of Nigeria for being efficient, consistent, long-lasting, and beneficial to the environment and deforestation. That means it’s time to learn everything about charcoal briquette production and charcoal briquette machine. Biomass charcoal briquettes: raw material […]