My Date with COP23

nouhad awwad

COP23 was held in Bonn, Germany at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) headquarters. COP23 was my third consecutive conference and I was on a party badge in COP21 and COP22. This time I was an observer and YOUNGO (youth representative) focal point for 2017. Every COP is different, and each has […]

Waste Crisis in Lebanon

waste management lebanon

Solid waste management in Lebanon has been hogging limelight globally in recent years. Unfortunately, Lebanon is struggling to solve the waste crisis with no permanent solution in sight.  The organic content in Lebanese MSW is around 50-55% which makes it a well-suited for composting and anaerobic digestion. Recyclables content is also good, though recycling is […]

Why 1.5 Degrees Matters for the Developing World


The world cannot achieve the sustainable development goals pledged for in 2016 by going higher than 1.5°C.  Currently we are 1.1 degree C above pre-industrial era.  Many countries are facing the effects of the rise in global temperatures. The increase of global temperature by  1.5 Degrees will have major adverse effects on least developed countries […]